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Frost crawled from the wooden frame onto the fragile, glass windowpane. A few wild birds raced against the rose-coloured morning sky of Forks, Washington.

"Hey, Jasmine!" Charlie Swan called up the stairs.

A brown-eyed goddess awoke from silk, lilac-coloured pillows, with delicate, wool blankets (made by her mother) carefully cascading against her tanned skin.

Jasmine Swan then attempted to stand up but tripped over her own two feet.

Fuck the morning.

Her unruly dark-brown hair stuck up in small tufts around her face. Her eyes were hauled downwards by heavy bags, and a second-hand Superdry shirt was slipping off of her shoulders.

A high pitched shrieking pierced her ears as she reached over to the alarm clock and practically smashed her arm against the bedside table.

She yelled a "good morning" downstairs and then proceeded to get in the shower.

About an hour later, she was shoved out the door by her dad, with half a slice of toast sticking out of her mouth, and an old, tattered denim skirt hanging off of her hips.

She waved goodbye to Charlie and waited for Jess to pick her up, The Pussycat Dolls playing through her earbuds whilst she tightened the straps on her heeled shoes.

Her frenemy finally arrived (five minutes late) in her light blue mini. She raised an eyebrow at Jasmine's much-too-short skirt as she put her seatbelt on.

Jas saw her staring and sighed, whilst throwing her arms up in frustration; "don't start, okay? I didn't have anything else to wear!"

"Sure, you didn't..." Jessica Stanley chuckled.

Jasmine lightly smacked her arm as they sped to Forks high school. On the way there, they picked up Angela and managed to arrive just as the bell rang.

Forks high school was similar to a beehive; there was an arrangement- a system. There were the cheerleaders (who consisted of her, Jess, and about 5-6 other girls), the 'jocks' (basically just any of the guys who played in the sports teams), the 'safe stoners' (they had half-decent cars, actually wore aftershave once every few months, and were very good in bed). 'The people who did the non-existent student paper' (self-explanatory), the actual stoners (also self-explanatory), the 'floaters' (social butterflies on steroids).

And the Cullens.

They weren't exactly low on the social board, but nobody really knew them. They were hot, any human being with eyes could vouch for that, but they just didn't talk to anybody.

Of course, only she knew why.

They were vampires- she had found it out when they moved into the area.

Basically every single girl in her year had a crush on one of the brothers, Edward.

But he was her boyfriend.

When she had first investigated the truth about the weird behaviour of the five siblings, she had confronted him- and he had no choice but to tell her (she would have found out either way).

When she strutted into her first class (exactly 1 minute late), she saw glares from all of the girls and looks of admiration and lust from their boyfriends.

This school year was going to be great.

𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐖𝐍 ; volturi kingsWhere stories live. Discover now