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"I- I can't... the- there's some sort of-"

Aro Volturi made a shushing motion as he looked upon the frail, blonde-haired man beneath him.


"It's James- erm, sorry sir."

Aro deadpanned and James looked down at the marble floor, muttering apologies under his breath.

"-it seems that you have proven that you are not as talented as the great tracker you claim to be-"

"-I keep telling you! There-" the small blonde man burst out.

"Quit interrupting." a voice snapped. Caius' patience was about the length of a piece of grass.

Aro turned to the man on the throne to his left; "thank you, brother. Now, James, you're excuse sounds like complete nonsense to me. Take a deep breath, and explain to us again- where is she?" his patronising tone ran throughout the marble room, and James shivered.

"She-she literally doesn't exist-"

Caius raised an eyebrow.

"Or- or somebody's protecting her. Like... Like a shield or something!"

Aro sighed; "oh, my old friend-"

"P-please, wait. I- I have a lead. I know it- shes in Washington somewhere. Ju- just give me-"

The blonde brother rolled his glittering red eyes whilst leaning forward, more than ready to put the pathetic man out of his misery.

A dull voice piped up: "a month- nothing more."

Aro looked between Marcus and James for a moment and thought.

After a dramatic silence he finally answered; "go."

As the blonde man was scurrying out of the throne room; he heard a voice mutter "anything over and his head will be on display outside."


Why was this girl so important anyway?

Ugh he thought, he needed a drink.


Jessica Stanley had appeared at the front door quicker than you could say "black Friday"- Burberry bag in hand, and stinking of the latest Victoria's Secret's body spray.

As Jasmine got changed, Jessica jabbered on.

"So, I was driving along and this guy just starts beeping his horn at me- like what the fuck, bro, and then I shout out- oh my god- love your nails by the way-"

"Thanks." Jasmine grinned, showing off her glossy, newly painted cuticles- happy to be able to get a word in edgeways.

"I hate people fucking beeping their horns at my baby though. Now, going the other way, if I've just beeped at you then you have no reason to beep back because the only reason I'll lean on the horn is if another motorist, cyclist or a pedestrian has done something irredeemably stupid to let them know what an absolute fucktwit they are and how close to death they were..."

She trailed off, looking out the window- Jas followed her gaze.

"The fuck is that?"

What Jas and Jess hadn't noticed whilst talking, is that Charlie's police car had pulled up outside (with Bella awkwardly crammed in the front seat) as well as an old, rusty copper-red truck following behind it.

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