3. Wings

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Before I knew it there was a roar of thunder as a dragon flew over, fire spraying from it mouth right towards us.

"Get down!" I shouted pulling Miraak to the ground with me to avoid the flames.

"You have to give me my sword," Miraak said. "you can't kill that thing by yourself, not without your thu'um."

I shook my head as I cast my bow spell, shooting at the dragon as it flew over. "Miraak, I can't trust you."

As the dragon flew over again, circling, it shot fire towards us, and just as I was about to duck a shield ward flew over me. "I know you can't trust me Alye, but maybe the fact that I could have killed you already with my magica will persuade you that I won't kill you with my sword."

He the shot a blast of pure lightning towards the dragon hitting its wing, and forcing it to land for a few seconds. "Wow how encouraging. You know the fact that you have resisted killing another human being might just persuade me."
I scowled in his direction as I said it.

"Will you just listen to me. Please."

"I just... it was literally a few hours ago that you were threatening to carve the flesh from my bone so no." I bellowed, running straight towards the dragon with my ebony daggers now out.

"Fine then. I don't need it anyway." He shouted as he conjured a magic sword and he began slicing at the dragons thick underbelly by my side.

I realised then that yes he could have killed me, could have killed everyone in Raven Rock. I had to be on my guard. The dragon propelled its self back into the air and a I had to resort to an ebony bow because my magica had not regenerated yet and I only carried health potions, cure disease in case of vampires and a few poisons.

"Why don't you use your magic bow." Miraak blurted as he shot more lightning into the skies.

"I don't have enough magica, and I'm also not a mage."

"Why not, you would make a good one. You are Breton aren't you, meaning you are naturally gifted in magic." I shot another arrow before the dragon flew of again.

"How did you know I was Breton?" I asked.

"Your ears, they are slightly pointy at the ends."

I didn't even notice that about my self most of the time and it made me curious to think he noticed a detail that small. I subtly placed my hand to my hair and felt the slight point of my ear.

The dragon flew back over now and I launched another wave of arrows at it hoping that it would pierce a wing, and luckily it glided to the ground but it was not done yet. Miraak turned to me when we were hidden, crouched down behind a low wall, shielding us from the fiery wrath of the dragon.

" If I still had my thu'um I could just use the bend will shout and get it to fly us to Skyrim instead of taking that horrid boat."

"Well we can't can we!" I sighed at that and jumped out from behind the wall making a final stand against the dragon. I ran up a boulder in front of it and came crashing down, my daggers blazing straight through the beasts scaly flesh and into bone. I felt the creature go limp before I could see it.

"You know if you practiced magic you could have done that from the wall." Miraak stated with a smirk.

Then came the familiar crackle of the dragon as its spirit left its body. The white light tinged with streaks of colour always fascinated me, the way it flowed into my body like a river except when you felt it it was like the earth, the sky, the moons, and the stars all at once. As I watched it I noticed that not only did enter me but it took another path, towards Miraak. He seemed as surprised as me as when he witnessed it.

"Well that's never happened before, I don't think." I wondered out loud.

"I have heard of the soul splitting sometimes but it is very rare and only happens if there are multiple Dragonborn present."

I shook my head in disbelief. "This day just keeps getting weirder and weirder."

Luckily the ship was mostly unharmed and no one was killed so it wasn't long until the ship to Skyrim finally started to set sail. Just as the sun started to go down I went below decks to sleep in one of the crew hammocks and Miraak decided to stay on the outside for a bit. After laying in the swaying hammock I tried to let the waves crashing into the ship rock me into sleep but the sleep didn't come. After about two hours I went back up onto the deck to get some fresh air and to my surprise Miraak was still there.

"Can't sleep?" I asked, he answered me with a slight shake of his head and continued to watch the crashing waves and the glistening stars.

" I can't either."

I stated as I walked to meet him at the rail.

"What were you going to say earlier before the dragon attack?"

"Hmmm, oh it doesn't matter." I frowned at his comment knowing that he wasn't telling me something. He seemed to want to change the subject because he suggested "I could teach you, you know."

"Teach me what" I questioned.

"I could teach you how to do magic properly, I mean I know you already know some because you used that bow earlier but I could teach you how to use destructive magic, how to heal yourself without potions."

I shook my head. "I am no mage, I don't think it would help me very much anyway."

"All I'm saying is that learning a lot more spells can come in handy if you lose your weapon." I shook my head again continuing to look at the sea.

"Well if you change your mind the offer will still be there, been as we are working together now."

I think we both noticed it at the same time, the ever so slight glow of lights on the horizon and the outline of the vast mountains and forests.

"Look," I said pointing towards the land, towards Windhelm, towards Skyrim. "home!"

The Language Of Dragons-A Skyrim StoryWhere stories live. Discover now