Meeting NSB- Darren (Smut)

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You are the leader of a female content group called DDG. There are 6 members, you, josslynn, Mimi, Anastasia, Felicia, and Serina. You guys make YouTube videos, TikToks, stream, and more.

You constantly get called the "female NorthStarBoys" and get compared to their content all of the time. You also live in California in a house similar to theirs. But that really doesn't bother you since you have been a huge fan of NSB since they started and they were your inspiration to start DDG. Today you are meeting NSB for the first time and will be filming with them. Of course you are freaking out, especially because you are about to meet Darren Liang. You have been in love with Darren since the beginning of NSB and are terrified to meet him.

Present Time
Setting: Y/N room

"Girl you have GOT to call down" Josslynn says as she watches me pace around my room. "I LITERALLY CAN'T" I yell back at her. "She's been obsessing over these boys for forever" Serina says sitting on my bed also watching me. "SHUT THE HE'LL UP" I yell at her as I tangle my hands in my hair like a crazy person. "HEY! DON'T YELL AT ME JUST BECAUSE YOU ARE ABOUT TO COME FACE TO FACE WITH THE GUY IN ALL OF YOUR SEX FANTASIES" She shouted at me making me stop in my tracks and stare at her in shock.

"Oh my god" Josslynn breaks the silence that washed over the room. "I didn't know that you were that down bad for him" she says staring at me smirking. "I'm not!" I try defending "BUT HAVE YOU SEEN DARREN!?". Serina sighs, " He's not even that-" "Finish that sentence and I will hurt you" I cut her off with a death glare. "Whatever" She scoffs and leaves the room.

I continue pacing when Mimi enters the room. "what's going on in here? She asks, " Why is Y/N screaming?". "Because the North Star Boys are coming today" Josslynn answers her obviously annoyed with me. "Why are you being stupid?" Mimi asks me. "What did I do!?" I ask. "You've known about them coming for a week!" She shouts, "Plus, I've liked hem just as long as you and you don't see me freaking out". I went silent again not knowing what to do. Then Anastasia popped her head in the door. " Yo guys, NSB will be here in an hour" she informed us. "AHHHHHHHH" All I could do was scream.

~Time Skip~
Setting: Front of house

We were all waiting outside for NSB and I was struggling to keep it together. "Oh my god oh my god oh my god" I was really starting to freak. "They're going to he here any minute" I said to myself trying to mentally prepare myself. I look back at Mimi who's also freaking out but being really quiet about it. "You think I can't tell?" I said looking at Mimi. "what?" She questions, "You are just as nervous as I am" I say smiling at her. "Yeah but at least I don't look like I'm about to shit myself" She says with a chuckle. "SHUT UP" I yell, "YOU CAME AT ME FIRST" She yells back. I just frown at her as I hear a car pull up.

I turn around to see a black van parked in the driveway. "Holy Shit" I whisper to myself. Just then a tall, handsome, dark haired boy gets out of the car. He walked up to me and extended his arm. "Oliver Moy" he states "Leader of the North Star Boys". I shook his hand and smiled. "I know" I say holding in my excitement. "I've been a fan of you guys for a while". "Oh Really?" He asks surprised. "Yeah" I confirm "Oh I'm Y/N, leader of DDG" I say realizing I still hadn't introduced myself. "And that's Mimi, josslynn, Serina, Anastasia, and Felicia" I say pointing to the girls.

All of the boys then introduced themselves to the girls while I was trying not to hyperventilate. Just then I lock eyes with the love of my life Darren Liang and he walks over to me. "I know you said you know us but we haven't been formally introduced" he said locking eyes with me. I swear I could get lost in his eyes. "I'm Darren Llang" he said extending his arm, "Y/N Y/l/N" I said taking his hand. He smiles that breathtaking smile at me and bites his lip. "Y/N? That's a pretty name" he says making my knees go weak. "Thanks" I said nervously.

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