Coincidence- Sebastian (Fluff)

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Requested by: @Sebastianmoyslover

Backstory: You just moved to a new town that's a little far away from all of your friends and your whole life. But you are trying to get used to your new life.

~Current Time~

I walk down my driveway to my mailbox to fetch the letters from inside when the sweet old lady from across the street comes ot of her house and waves. She walks over to me with a bright smile on her face. "Hello dear" she says to me. She's a couple of inches shorter than me so I have to slightly look down to meet her eyes. I return her sweet grin "Hi Mrs. Moy" I reply. It might seem weird to some people but this nice lady has been the only closest to a friend to me since I moved in a week ago.

"My grandson is visiting me. He's about your age too!" Mrs. Moy explains to me. I just keep grinding and hum in understanding. I didn't want to be rude but I wasn't going to stand here and let her try and set me up with her grandson. "He's tall, handsome, and doing well for himself" She continued. Just then a boy I didn't recognize comes out of Mrs. Moy's house. He was tall and seemed around my age so I assumed that he was the grandson. "What are you doing, grandma?" I hear him sort of shout since we are across the street. Mrs. Moy waves at him to come over and I'm just standing there awkwardly not knowing what to do.

Once he across the street he smiles at me and extends his hand forward to shake mine "Hi I'm Sebastian" he tells me. "I'm Y/N" I reply sort of hesitantly since I'm a little shy. After this little interaction we both look awkwardly at Mrs.Moy, asking her with our eyes what to do next. She just glows with joy "This is great!" I hear from her. "You two can be friends now!" She continued. After about 10 seconds of awkward silence mixed with some humming and head nodding.

"Well I think I should go back inside now" I say trying to get myself out of this situation. "Yeah and I need to get ready to go out so I gotta go too" Sebastian says whIle still flashing that gorgeous smile. His smile is really nice. Did I just say that? And with that we all retreated back to our respective houses. Once inside I close the sorry and take a deep breath. That was enough social interaction for one day. I push myself off of the door and go to my room. I flop on my bed and breath in the scent of my freshly washed sheets. Just then my phone buzzed signaling I got a notification. I blindly grasp around until I find it.

Once in hand I lift my head to check the text that popped up. It was from my best friend.

Serina🖤: Hey girl

I smiled at the message and sat upright on my bed

Y/N: What's up?

Serina🖤: Are you free today?

Y/N: I'm always free

Serina🖤: Haha right
Serina🖤: So do you wanna go out with me and Ashley?

Y/N: Sure
Y/N: Where too?

Serina🖤: Idk I was thinking maybe Pizza Ranch?

(If you don't know what Pizza Ranch is it's basically a buffet put with pizza and bread sticks. They also have chicken.)

Y/N: Yeah sure there's one a couple miles from here

Serina🖤: Okay I'll gps it
Serina🖤: See you in a bit

Y/N: Alright see you

After I send my last text I lift myself off of the bed and hop into the shower. About 10 minutes later I get out and get dressed. I do my makeup and look in the mirror for a last full body check. I leave out of the house and get into my car. I turn my music on and just start driving trying to get there from memory. Sooner or later I pull up to the Pizza Ranch and I text Serina. She tells me that they are five minutes out. So I sit in my car blasting Chase Atlantic until she gets here.

Two songs go past when my friends finally arrive. We all get out of our cars, greet each other, and go in. After we pay we go and find a table to sit at. While we are looking I spot a good looking group of boys but I just ignore them and sit down with my friends. "I'm so glad that we can still find time to hang out" Ashley states while looking at me. "I know me too. I was sad about the move too" I replied grabbing her hand in reassurance from across the table.

"Alright enough chit-chat I'm starving" I hear Serina say kind of loudly from right next to me as she's rushing me to get up so she can attack the pizza bar. Me and Ashley just laugh as we get and walk over go the food. We all grab plates and split up. As I was putting a slice of Sausage onto my plate someone stands right next to me and grabs a pepperoni.

"Fancy seeing you here" a familiar voice says. I look up since this stranger is much taller than me and it's Mts. Moy's grandson. "If u didn't know any better I'd think that you were stalking me" I state bringing my attention to the breadsticks. "Well I was here first so technically you'd be stalking me" he rebuttaled slightly chuckling. "Touché" I say while modding.

"I know this is probably weird but do you wanna come sit with me?" Sebastian asks shyly. I pause for a moment thinking about how my friends would feel. I decide that they'll be alright. I want stay too long. "Sure but I do have to get back to my friends soon" I tell him as I follow him back to a table. "That's okay I do too" I hear him say as we reach our seats. We sir down and make sudden eye contact. We both nervously laugh as we look away from each other. I pick up a slice off of my plate and take a bite. I hum in satisfaction as I feel the flavors melt on my tongue. Sebastian looks at me smiling. "Is it that good?" He asks. "I feel like I haven't had pizza in a million years" I admit as I gobble down the rest of the slice.

Sebastian just chuckles as he grabs his slice and starts eating. For some reason I feel really comfortable around Sebastian. I glance up at him once more and smile before I continue to eat. "I'm glad I bumped into you today" I look up as I hear Sebastian's voice. "Even though you might be a stalker" he continues sarcastically with a grin. I chuckle in response remembering our earlier conversation. "Me too" I admit
just before I bite my breadstick
A/N: Hello everyone! Sorry again that my uploading has slowed down so much. I've recently started school and haven't really had time to write. But anyway j hope you enjoyed. Thank you for reading I love you all! Until next time babes🖤

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