Oops- Ty & Darren (Smut)

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Requested by: Savannahgraves3

Backstory: You are a close friend of NSB. You and Darren have known each other for years and are best friends. One day he invited you to come hang out at the house and of course you agreed.

~Current Time~
*Y/N P.O.V*

I'm here at the NSB house hanging with Darren. Suddenly while we are play fighting his stomach starts to rumble loudly. "I'm so hungry bro" I hear him say with his hand on his belly. "Then eat something" I tell him "but I don't feel like cooking" he replies with a pout. I sigh "Fine I'll go make us something" I say in defeat as I walk towards the kitchen and Darren follows. "what do you want to eat?" I ask and he just smirks at me while leaning on the kitchen island. "I'm talking about food you weirdo" I look at him wide eyed trying to hide the blush creeping onto my face.

"I don't know anything" he tells me with a chuckle. "Korean corn dogs?" I ask him because that's what I'm craving. "Ooh yes" he replies with his hand on his stomach again. "Okay" I say finally as I turn around to gather the ingredients. Darren then gets up to go to the bathroom so I am alone in the kitchen. I am just humming a song that's stuck in my head while cutting up the cheese but my fingers were too close and I end up slicing my thumb. I pull my hand away quickly to not get any blood on to the food and look for something to clean my wound. I begin to fun it under water when Manager Ty walks in. "Hey Y/N" he says to me with a smile. My back is turned to him so he can't see my hand.  I look back him "Hi Tyler" I say quickly before I bring my focus back to my cut. He walks more into the kitchen to see what I'm doing and he sees the blood from my hand rushing into the drain below .

"oh my god what happened?" He asked me with concern as he grabs my hand out out of the water. "I just cut myself while cooking" I tell him as as he inspects my gash. He then left and came back a couple of seconds later with a first aid kit. "Let me" he said holding his hand out and I gladly accepted, putting my hurt hand on his. He pulls me over to the island to sit on the bar stools. He then pulls out the rubbing alcohol and applies it to my cut. I flinch hard and he spills a little on the floor. "Sorry" I say in embarrassment as I lower my head. "It's fine, I forgot to warn you" I hear him say. He finishes dressing my wound and I stand up to finish cooking "Thank you". "No problem, that's what I'm here for" he tells me while closing the kit and standing up as well. I turn to go back to counter when I slip on the alcohol that was spilled earlier and bump into Tyler. He then looses his balance and falls backwards with me on top of him.

Just the Darren walked back into the kitchen and saw the scene before him. "Nobody invited me to the rendezvous in the kitchen" he said with a chuckle. "It's not what it looks like I'm so sorry Ty" I say trying to defend myself. "If you wanted make out you could have just asked" I hear Ty below me and I turn my attention back to him. He has a smug smirk on his face. I am blushing so badly right now. "Shut up" I say under my breath as I try to get off of him and stand up but Tyler pulls me back down and flips us over so that he's on top of me.

My heart starts beating super fast as he stares at me with those beautiful eyes. He leans in and captures my lips in a quick yet soft and sweet kiss. He pulls away and looks at me with that amazing smile and I just melt. Tyler then got off and pulled me up with him. "Y'all done?" I hear a voice to my side and I turn to see Datren leaning on the island with his hand on his chin. I honestly forgot that he was there.

I step back and straighten my clothes trying to compose myself. Darren and Tyler are just looking at me while laughing. "What?" I ask a little meekly. "You're cute when you're flustered" Darren tells me and I can't help but smile a little "shut up" I tell him as I turn back around towards the counter. After a couple of seconds I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist. I look back to see Darren. He moves my hair out of the way and begins to kiss my neck. I bite my lip at the feeling as Tyler comes over to me. He grabs my chin and makes me face him then he captures my lips into another kiss. This time longer and more passionate.

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