I remember you- Darren (Fluff)

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Now playing: Sunshine by Nsb
Backstory: You are getting ready to see see the North Star Boys in concert for the second time but only this time you bought M&G tickets, therefore you'll finally be face to face with your long time social media crush, Darren Liang

~Curremt Time~
Setting: Y/N's apartment

"You are my sunshine, you make my mood right~", I sing along to the song playing through my phone speaker as I get ready. I continue humming along as I wipe away the small error I had made with my eyeliner. After a minute or so the song ended and I had finished my routine. I moved away and primped and fixed my hair, trying to shake away my nerves with how good I'm telling myself that I look.

I don't spend too long consumed in my thoughts since my phone begins to ring. I look down at the ID and saw that it was my friend, CeCe, who was going to the concert with me. I smiled and quickly answered with excitement. "Hey girly, you ready?". CeCe's voice blared through the phone. I can tell that she is just as excited as I am. "Almost, give me like 2 minutes!", I say as I run to throw my shoes on. "Perfect! Be there soon....see ya". "See ya, loveyoubye", I hang up the phone and put it in my back pocket. Then I head to my closet and grab my jacket,purse, and keys. Once I have everything I need I run out of the door. I finish locking my front door and turn around to be met with CeCe pulling in front of me. The passenger door window rolls down, "Get in loser we're going to a concert!", CeCe basically yells at me. "Can you please take it down a notch?", I ask half serious and half losing my mind as well on the inside. "Sorry, I'm just so excited to see Nsb again.", she  defends. "I know.....me too! So let's go", I say finally as I open the door and get inside. I'm barely able to put my seatbelt on before CeCe speeds away. I just chuckle and hold on.

~Time Skip~

We are at the venue and see that a line is already forming outside. "Wow, it's a good thing that we came early", CeCe comments as we park and get out of the car, heading to join the VIP line which was much shorter. "What's good is that we got the VIP tickets.", I say turning to look at my smiling friend. CeCe and I don't talk for long because suddenly a member of staff comes out and informs us that the pre-party will begin shortly. Before we know it the line starts moving.

Once we are inside we are greeted by a well lit stage that is empty aside from a DJ mid-stage. There were maybe 20 other people in the room scattered around in little groups talking amongst themselves. Not even 5 minutes pass before we hear footsteps which makes everyone turn towards the stage. Just then, one-by-one all of the members emerge and greet us before they begin to sing. Once they finish, they are all around us throughout the room and the music suddenly changes as the Dj takes over. The boys walk around and converse with everyone. I've never been to a pre-party before so I didn't really know what to expect but I did expect for it to be more of rave but this was very chill and lowkey. I like it.

CeCe and I were in the middle of a conversation about how we should have eaten before coming here when she spots Kane by himself leaning against the wall. "You think I should go talk to him?", she asks me as I look over to match her gaze. "You better go over there before somebody else does", I respond half joking and with that CeCe doesn't waste a second before strutting right up to the man and starting a conversation. I look down and chuckle to myself. This girl has not shut up about "possibly being able to talk to Kane" since we bought the tickets. Well I guess her wish has been granted.

I am pulled out of my thoughts by the sight of shoes standing in front of me. Before I can fully look up a voice spoke. "Hello again". I stand straight up and lock eyes with Darren. The shock consumes me as I almost trip while standing still.
"Oh, Hi Darren", I manage to stammer out and try so hard to keep my cool. He leans in for a hug and I quickly comply. He must have noticed to utter surprise on my face because he asked, "why do you look so surprised?". "I just didn't think you'd remember me", I state honestly. Darren scoffs, "How could I forget my number 1 fan?", his words made me chuckle at the memory.

Flashback: At NSB's last concert they had a segment where the fans had to answer trivia questions about the members. Long story short, Y/N was picked to answer questions for Darren and got them all correct.

"Yeah, you probably think I'm crazy"

"No, it feels nice to know someone is paying attention to me"

"I'm just glad that I got picked for you"

"What makes you say that?"

"Well you are my favorite member so I know the most about you, if I got picked for anyone else I definitely would have lost"

"That's nice to know"

Darren looks deep into my eyes and I've never been so grateful for my melanin so that he can't see how flustered I am. We stare at each other for a good 5 seconds before he awkwardly coughed and looked away from me. I took a step back as I realized just how close we were. Just then I catch a glimpse of CeCe across the room still talking to Kane. She laughs at something he says and puts her hand flirtatiously on his chest. Darren looks in the same direction as me and his face changes slightly but I can't really read it. "Looks like she's enjoying herself", Darren's expression switches to confusion as he whips his head towards me. "That's my friend, I came with her and she is obsessed with Kane". Darren mutters a quiet "oh" and smirks. "What's that face for?", I ask humored and he just shakes his head, "No reason".

Darren and I stand there and talk about anything and everything. I swear I don't think anyone has made me laugh this hard. We literally never run out of anything to talk about and we have so much in common. Suddenly the AC in the building cuts on full blast and it doesn't take long for me to start shivering. Darren notices without saying a word he takes his jacket off and draped it over my shoulders. I smile like and idiot and once again thank the gods for my completion, "thanks", I mutter out. "Of course, can't let a pretty girl freeze", now it's me who does the stereotypical light chest hit because I literally don't know how to respond.

A couple of minutes pass and we get into another random conversation. Right then, Oliver comes over and I get pulled back to really because for a little bit there I forgot where I was sand that there were other people around. He walks up to Darren and puts his hand on his shoulder, "It's time to go get ready, say goodbye to your girlfriend", he says changing his gaze to look at me. Neither me nor Darren say anything to correct him. Instead Darren shakes his head and smiles at me while talking," I'll be there in a minute", and with that Oli walks away to round up the other members . Darren grabs my hands and my heart skips a beat, "Sadly I have to go, I down at this but he continues, how about you meet me outside after the concert?", he finishes. My eyes light up at this invitation, "are you serious?". "I'm so serious, I want to see you again......so?".

"Of course Darren"
He smiles wide and hugs me and disappears backstage and I am left here grinning like an idiot. Suddenly I hear a voice behind me and I immediately recognize it as my best friend, "Well, seems like we both had a great time". "Oh, you have NO idea".
My only explanation is I have been busy with work and school but I know that's not a good enough excuse so I'm just going to apologize again. Anyway, Is anyone going to the tour? I'm going to be at 2 shows so maybe I'll see you guys there. Thank you so much for reading and still sticking around. I love you guys so so so SO freaking much!! See you next time🖤

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