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"Did I do something wrong to you?" asked Thomas. Since his appearance three days ago, I've periodically ignored him and tried not to get close to him.

My instincts told me that what I was doing was right and it should be. Thomas's appearance was like bad news, like the calm before the storm, or something. There are several Gladers who agree with me, Gally for example, and the builder crew.

"Hey, are you listening?" He repeated, trying to wake me from spacing out.

"Yeah, yeah. Why did you ask me that anyway?"

"Well, you know."

"No, I don't know what you mean."

Between our conversation, Chuck broke in, "Oh come on, Maeve. Stop being so cold."

"Shut up. I don't need advice from a crybaby like you."

"Is she always this rude?" Ask Thomas to Chuck now.

Chuck shook his head, "Not really. But there are cases where she ignores someone's greeting when she passes by. For example, you and I (of course), then there's Minho the runner, and some kids from Bloodhouse. I don't know why, but instead she gets along just fine with the most annoying kids in the Glade, like the builders for example."

I stopped my hands from pulling weeds in the garden and looked up with one knee still on the ground. "Oh, so I'm a bitch huh?"

"Don't blame me, you decided to act like that. So I'm just describing what I saw."

Zart and Newt laughed at that.

"Arrgh, never mind that." I said as I threw a handful of dirt at Thomas. "Instead of asking unnecessary questions, or whatever your plans are about getting out of that giant wall, you'd better go get some fertilizer in Deadhead over there." I ordered while handing him two buckets.

"Fine." He replied sourly.

To be honest he made me feel annoyed with his pretentious attitude. Saying things like 'We can climb that wall right' or 'we can build a ladder' and so on. I have heard many times that such attempts have been made in the past but nothing has worked.

While continuing to curse in my mind, suddenly a scream came from inside Deadhead.


"Anyone, help me!!"

We who were working in the garden turned our eyes towards Deadhead's driveway at once.

Not long after, Thomas was seen running fast like he was about to lose his life, and not far behind him, Ben chased him with a speed that was not less fast than Thomas, and immediately grabbed the man's neck. Making Thomas and himself roll on the ground.

The Gladers immediately ran towards them.

I could hear a few words come out of Ben's mouth before Newt hit him so hard he was unconscious for a few seconds, enough to separate him from Thomas.

'I know who you really are!' that's what I can get from what Ben said before he was hit earlier.

Alby boltes towards this suddenly made a crowd. "What happened?" he asked.

"I-I don't know.. he suddenly chased after me and wanted to kill me!" Thomas explained haltingly.

Alby furrowed his brows. "Lift up his shirt!"

"No..no! Listen to me! I..I can heal! I promise I will!" Ben protested as Gally lifted the t-shirt that covered his stomach, which was now a purplish bruise. His veins were also unnatural in color, they looked like they were coming out and about to burst from his skin.

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