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Jisung POV

I woke up with yet another hangover. And yet, I'm not gonna stop getting drunk almost every night. What's the fucking point of college if it isn't to do drugs?

"Morning Ji, how are you?" Hyunjin said all sarcastic, sitting on my bed.

"Fuck you. You know my head fucking hurts."

"Advil?" He laughed.

"Yes, please."

Hyunjin isn't one to drink. He did other things but he hated the taste of literally all alcohol. He mostly just gets high, which is incredibly illegal here but, you only live once. He brought me a glass of water and two pills. I quickly took them and drank all the water. 

"Thank you."

"You owe me."

"For what? You literally walked like 10 feet in total."

"If I ever get a hangover, you have to get me Advil."

"Fine, whatever."

"How's it going with that dad?" He laughed at me.

"Hey! It's actually going fine. I texted with him last night. Also he's only 23, it's not like he's 40."

"Oh, so you're like actually trying to get with him?"

"Maybe... I really like him. He's cute."

"I can't believe he actually gave you his number. Like what the fuck? What are the chances that he liked men? Clearly he likes women since he has a damn 5 year old but men? How'd you know?"

"I just had a feeling. He was looking me up and down the first time he saw me."

"Well, you are hot as hell."

"Thank you, don't go falling for me though." 

"Ha! You wish, I already have a partner and I love them."

"What?! Since when?"

"Officially? Two days ago. But they fucked the shit out of me a few times before that."

"Wow, too much information? What's their name?"

"Sumin, I think you caught on but they're non-binary so don't go misgendering them. They're so fucking hot oh my god. I'm actually in love." 

"How come you've never mentioned them till now? I talk about everyone I find attractive."

"I don't know. They're just kind of secretive and don't really want anyone to know."

"Alright, I won't tell. But I need to meet them."

"One day. I want to meet Minho too."



I was off to work after a long day of hating college. But I would get to see Minho in approximately 2 hours. I'm down bad dammit. 

"Jisung!" Yeowoo yelled as I entered the playroom. 

"Hello Woo, how was your day?" I asked as I lifted him up and set him down, making him giggle. 

"It was good. How was yours?"

"Very boring. I had to do school work all day."

"I drew a picture today!"

"Ooh, can I see?"

"Sure!" He ran off for a minute before coming back with a piece of printer paper.

The picture showed 3 people. I assumed his dad, mom, and him. He pointed at each person and explained. 

"We were supposed to draw our families and since everyone drew a mom I drew mine. But I don't know what she looks like." That was honestly heartbreaking to hear, he has to grow up without a mom while everyone else in his class gets to.

"It's very good!" I said even though it was just stick figures with clothes. "I'm sure your dad will love it." 

"I hope he puts it on the fridge."

"I'm sure he will."

I played with him for the next hour and then Miya came back asking for Yeowoo. Meaning that Minho was here to pick him up. 

"I'll take the front desk spot." I said to her and took Yeowoo out to his dad.

"Hey Woo, how was your day?" Minho asked.

"Good. Jisungie and I had fun." He said, looking at me. I just smiled.

"Well, tomorrow is Saturday. Do you think we can do something together?" I asked shyly, my ears a bright red.

"Um... I'd have to bring Yeowoo. But if you don't mind him, sure!"

"I don't mind. How about lunch, somewhere downtown?"

"Yeah, is noon good?"

"Yeah, meet you at the subway station on main and south?"

"Sure. See you then."

Then they walked out. My god, I was actually going on a date with him. Well, his kid was also gonna be there but still, a date.


i've never written so much dialogue in my life

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