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Jisung POV

I woke up alone in my dorm room, no Hyunjin or Sumin to be seen. It was the first day in awhile that I'd woken up without a hangover. Although, I was a little sore.

I didn't want Minho to know but I've never bottomed. But something about Minho makes me very submissive. I can't believe I've only known him for a week and I've fallen head over heels for him. 

I walked into the bathroom and happened to see myself in the mirror. Shit. Fucking shit. My neck was covered in hickeys. I can't believe I just let him do that last night, but he was just so hot doing it I couldn't stop him. 

I don't even own a fucking whisk, let alone makeup capable of covering these. Turtleneck in 80 degree (25 celsius) weather it is. I started walking to my math class, nearly sweating to death but it's fine.

I know I already mentioned it but math is fucking stupid bullshit.

"Hey Jisung, what's with the turtleneck?" My friend who sits next to me, Seungmin asked.

I pulled it down slightly, showing him a few spots. "Bro... so how was last night?"

"It was damn good, thanks for asking."

"Who was it with? Do they go here?"

"Nope, it was with a dad I met at the daycare I work at."

He looked at me, shocked. I hadn't mentioned Minho to him since I try to pay attention during math. 

"Did he pay you or something?"

I laughed. "No, he's only 23, I just think it's funny that he's a dilf. I initiated it anyway."

"Bold of you. How old's the kid?"

"5, his name is Yeowoo. Very cute, sweet kid."

"You didn't have sex with him in the vicinity, right?"

"Of course not! We went to a hotel, Hyunjin babysat."

And then the lecture began so I made Seungmin shut up. 


After math I had composing. I honestly like the class but it's hard. If the professor doesn't like your songs then you fail. Luckily he isn't that hard to please.

Today was the first day this school year we had to present a song to him. I was nervous but I like the song I made, I'm pretty proud of it actually. I only added lyrics to it two days ago, so yes, it's about Minho, leave me alone. We were only required to make an instrumental but I'm extra and also love to sing so...

I was 4th to present, thank god I wasn't first I would've passed out.

"Hello, um, my name is Han Jisung. My song is called Sepia... like the color... I hope you like it." I said nervously before hitting play on the computer.

It was a slower song, and I sang rather raspy in it. I thought it fit well. Although, the song was so obviously gay, I really hope I don't get hatecrimed on the way out of class.

The professor graded it right then and there. I got an 100, the only one in the class. I felt very accomplished. He wanted me to stay back to talk, which was scary, but I was thinking it was gonna be a good thing.

After everyone else left I walked up the my professor. "Jisung, that song was truly amazing. It was on the level of any famous artist these days. I think you should release it, seriously."

"Thank you so much... um, I'll definitely think about it."

"The lyrics seemed very meaningful but the song didn't sound too sad. I love that type of song. I really think you have the potential to be an amazing artist."

"Wow, really, I appreciate it. Thank you, I hope I will become a good one one day."

"I'm sure you will. Alright, you're free to go."


(tw homophobia)

As I walked out into the hallway my arm was grabbed. I was pushed against the wall and a group of stupid frat boys were laughing at me as their leader harassed me.

I didn't say anything.

He got really close to my face so I turned away. "Aren't you a fucking fag? I thought you'd like this."

I think he forgot I had legs because I kicked him in the balls so hard before walking away while flipping them off. But that just pissed them off even more. They started running towards me, so I ran, but I was no match for buff frat boys that probably play 5 sports. 

A different one tripped me, I fell hard onto the concrete. My hands and knees were bleeding. I looked up at the boy before he punched me. 

I just laughed. I wasn't going to give them what they wanted. 

He kicked me in the stomach, and then everyone else joined. After like 30 seconds they just left me. I definitely had a concussion and I think they broke some ribs. I just laid on the sidewalk, looking at the sky, waiting for someone to find me. 


I woke up in the hospital. 


i'm so sorry for how rude i just was to jisung. but it's for plot. 

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