DAY 8-DAY 15

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Minho POV

I can't believe that I'm skipping work and Yeowoo's skipping school to go see Jisung. But I want to be there for him. I can't believe that seriously happened to him. 

"Is Jisungie gonna be okay Dad?"

"Yeah, but right now he's not, so try not to bother him, okay?"


I didn't tell Yeowoo exactly what happened. I don't know how to tell a fucking 5 year old that there are people in this world that just beat up gay people for no reason other than that. I told him that 'there was an accident' which is somewhat true.

We walked into the hospital, hand in hand. We went up to the front desk and I found out Jisung's room number. When she asked my relation I said friend because I wasn't feeling bold enough to say boyfriend. Plus, we aren't official but that really isn't the point right now.

I let Yeowoo knock on the door of room 204.

"Come in!" A voice said.

We walked in. Jisung was all bandaged up, I didn't know his exact injuries yet but it looked pretty bad. Hyunjin was sitting on the couch by the window, reading a book.

"Hey Minho. Hi Woo!" Hyunjin said, holding out his arms for the boy.

"Minho?" Jisung asked groggily, half asleep. 

I went over to his side, getting down to his level. I moved his hair out of his face, kissing his forehead. 

"I'm really sorry, I really wish this didn't happen." I said.

"Me too. But I didn't give them what they wanted, I just laughed through the whole thing."

"Good, and they got those assholes on camera so a few of them are most likely getting arrested."

"It hurts to breathe."

"I know... you should rest some more..."

"Okay... good night."

"Good night."

I went over to the couch and sat with Hyunjin and Woo. 

"So what exactly are his injuries?" I whispered.

"Moderate concussion, two fractured ribs... the rest is just bad bruising." 

"Man.. how long does he have to stay here?"

"Only a week, but they said he'll still be on bedrest for another week before he'll be able to comfortably move with his fractured ribs."


I visited him everyday that week, it brought us closer together. I did have to bring Yeowoo but it's not like we could do anything anyway. 

We ate together, we slept together, we talked, we played concussion acceptable games. It was actually pretty fun. 

Last night was the most memorable though. Jisung played the song for me. He told me exactly how it was about me. It was named Sepia, after my brown eyes. Having someone write a song about you is such an honor, well, only when it's in a good way.

There were lyrics like 'I can't handle my own feelings' 'I can't resist myself' 'I like you' and it was just really heartwarming. I really think I love him. 


see i told you it was for plot

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