DAY 17

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Minho POV

I woke up, Jisung still next to me. I needed to go home and take Yeowoo to school. I thought it would be rude to just leave without saying anything so I woke Jisung up by kissing his forehead.

"Sorry to wake you, I have to go now. Bye, I had a good time with you last night." I kissed his forehead one more time before leaving. He was too tired to respond, I assume he just went back to sleep.

I drove home. Hyunjin hadn't woken up yet and it was almost 7, which is when Yeowoo and I leave. I walked into my room, Hyunjin was sleeping in my bed, which is fine I don't really care. 

"Hyunjin, wake your ass up." I said directly into his ear. 

He jumped awake before saying "Bro.. you scared me."

"I can tell, thanks for watching Woo, here's your money. Now kindly, get out." I said with a smile, handing him 100 dollars. That's literally minimum wage an hour but 100 dollars seems like a lot.

"Thank you." He rolled his eyes before walking out of the room.

I went across the hall to Woo's room. I knocked and there was no response so I went in. There he was, peacefully sleeping, and I was going to ruin it. 

"Yeowoo!" I yelled and then laughed seeing his eyes open wide. 

"Daaad, you're so mean." He said, rubbing his eyes.

"Hurry and get dressed, we need to leave soon." 


I closed his door and walked out into the living room. Hyunjin was still there. 

"How was it?" I asked.

"You know that he's an angel. He listened to me, he ever went to sleep when I told him too. I've never babysat a kid so nice."

"I'm glad. Although since it was so easy, can I get 20 back?"

"Ha, no. You already gave me 100, you aren't getting anything back."

I sighed, "Fine."

Yeowoo walked out a few seconds later. He was so cute. His hair was messy and his shirt wasn't buttoned right. I fixed both for him. 

"Okay, shoes on, we have to go."

"What about breakfast?" He pouted. I handed him a granola bar.

"Okay, let's go... everyone." I looked at Hyunjin who was standing in my kitchen, drinking coffee.

"Fine, but can I take this?" 

"I guess, but bring it back, I like that mug."

We all exited the apartment. Time to go to work. 


💛sungie💛: hey, can I come over to your place tonight? i want to see it.

me: um... sure, but yeowoo will be there.

💛sungie💛: he's no dealbreaker
💛sungie💛: he's just a sweet little kid

me: i'm glad you like him

💛sungie💛: how could i not?


Jisung wasn't at work, but I didn't expect him to be. But when I got home he was already there, inside. 

"How'd you get in here?"

"You're a dumbass and keep the key under the doormat." Jisung said making Yeowoo laugh.

"Hey, bad words aren't funny. They're mean." I told Woo before glaring at Jisung.

"I brought food." 

"Oh, what is it?"

"Fried chicken."

Yeowoo nearly screamed hearing that. Fried chicken is by far his favorite food. He's only allowed to have it every two weeks though, I don't want him to get addicted.

The three of us ate together while watching Moana. I'll never live to see the day Yeowoo gets over this movie. But Jisung had somehow never seen it. 

A few hours later and Woo was asleep. Meaning we could do and say anything we wanted. We decided to sit out on my tiny balcony while drinking various alcohols. I tend to get incredibly sexual after a few drinks, reasons why I don't usually drink. 

"How good is your tolerance?" I asked.

"Not very good. I can drink like one bottle of soju and I'm completely wasted."

"Hmm, me too. What do you do when you're wasted?"

"I usually end up in someone's bed. Or I start sobbing, either one." We laughed. 

"Man, I wish your ribs would heal faster."

"Yeah, I'm really horny right now."

I blushed at his boldness.

"That was straightforward. Well you can do whatever you want to me.... just don't hurt yourself. I know you shouldn't breathe heavily."

"I don't honestly give a fuck."

He got up from his chair and walked over to mine. He dug in his pocket, taking out a plain white pill.

"This is my pain medicine, nothing else." He said before swallowing it dry. I'm not sure that I believe him but whatever, he's an adult.

He straddled my legs and began harshly making out with me. He placed hickeys all over my neck and put his hands under my shirt.

"Can we take this inside? I'd rather my neighbors not see."

He got off of me, taking my hand. He walked me to my bedroom before pushing me onto the bed. He locked the door and got back on top of me. I've never been dominated before but damn, I loved it. 

"Is it alright if I top you?" Jisung calmly asked. At this point my face and ears were bright red.

"Um.... yes." 


hehe, smut next chapter, and don't worry, Jisung's ribs are fine. more than a week of healing for 2 fractures is good enough for them to not re fracture. i'm not a doctor but that's what google says, plus my dad breaks his ribs all the time 💀

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