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Minho POV

I actually managed to get my friend, Chan, to watch Yeowoo so I get to go on a date without him. I'm not gonna tell Jisung, so that's he's surprised. I parked my car in a parking garage about a mile from where we were meeting since the price was cheaper. 

Anyway, I like walking. I arrived at the subway station at exactly 11:57, Jisung wasn't there yet. I hadn't been on a date in at least 5 years. I had a girlfriend in high school so she's the only person I've ever gone on dates with. I'm nervous, but I'm trying to be confident. 

I was sitting on a bench, looking at my phone when I heard someone say my name. I look up and there he is. One of the most beautiful men I've ever seen. He sat next to me on the bench.

"Hey, where's Yeowoo?"

"Oh, I got my friend to babysit, I though it'd be a little sad to bring my kid on a date."

"I don't think so, just means you care about him. But whatever, I'm glad we can be alone."

"Me too... so where do you wanna go?"

"I was thinking sushi, do you like sushi?"

"Yeah, I love sushi. Do you know a good place?"

"Shinko's is just down the street from here. And it's not too pricey."

"Alright, let's go then." I smiled at him, I could tell he was nervous from his red ears.

We began walking and I decided to be bold and hold his hand. He didn't reject and we walked to the restaurant hand in hand. 

We sat down in a small booth. It was one of those places that had a digital menu you order from, so no waiters, just people that bring out food. We ordered and then started talking about the basics. 

"How old are you?" I asked.

"I'm 21, senior in college. I already know you're 23 because I stalked your profile at the daycare." I laughed at him blushing.

"What do you major in?"

"Music and composing... I want to make songs for big artists one day."

"I always wanted to become a dancer, but that dream never came true. I'm sure yours will though."

We were interrupted for a second by our food being brought out.

"Damn, this is fucking good, I've never tried this one before."

"Mine is really fucking good too, I haven't had sushi in a long time."

"Wow it's weird to hear you swear, since you know, you have a kid."

"I swear a hell of a lot, just not around him. But his first word may or may not have been fuck." We laughed.

"I can barely produce a sentence without the word 'fuck' in it. It's just such a fucking good word."

"It's the most versatile word. It can mean basically anything."

I was really having a good time talking to Jisung. I really liked him. This was the first time since Jaewoo that I've even considered dating anyone. 

"Are you out? To like anyone?" Jisung asked me. 

"Um... yeah, my parents and friends know. I'm pan by the way." 

"Oh, I'm not out to my family, all my friends know. I'm just gay, man I love men."

I laughed. "I love men too, but I've never been with one."

"Really? You're so hot, I'm surprised." I blushed.

"Thank you? You're pretty hot yourself."


We argued over who was gonna pay the bill but I managed to put my card in first. He's a college student so he's probably more broke than me.

We decided to go for a walk in the park nearby. We held hands again. But we mostly didn't talk, we just enjoyed each others presence. 

Jisung walked me back to my car, he had taken the subway. I really wanted to kiss him, but I didn't. But he kissed me. He ran his fingers through my hair as he kissed me. It was a soft, sweet kiss. 

He pulled away and said "Sorry, I should've asked first..."

"No... it's okay, I liked it." I said before pulling him in for another kiss. 

"Okay, I have to get back to Yeowoo. See you Monday." I smiled and got into my car. 

Goddamn. Holy Shit. Fuck. That was amazing. Except now I'm hard and there's nothing I can do about it right now. I have to just let it pass which is gonna be agonizing. 


hehe i love this book

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