DAY 20

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Jisung POV

I haven't seen Minho since the night we said the L word. He's been extra busy. I wish I could just finish college and move in with him, so that I could help him. 

I'm going back to class today, the same one I nearly died from like 2 weeks ago. My ribs don't hurt much when I breathe anymore, I think they're mostly healed. 

I began the walk, I wasn't scared. I knew that those jerks were scared of me now. And two of them got arrested so...

I think I freaked them out when I didn't react to anything. 

"Jisung! You're back. How are you feeling?" My professor asked when I walked in.

"I'm much better. Thank you..."

"You didn't miss much. I'm sure you'll catch up easily."

I nodded and walked to my seat in the back of the hall. Class was boring. We talked about music theory or some shit. 


I walked into the daycare, finally deciding that I'd go to work. Broken ribs are a pretty good excuse so I could've managed to not go for a few more days. But, I wanted to go, and I wanted money.

"Hi Miya." I smiled. 

"Hey, you're finally back."

"Yep, my ribs are much better."

"What even happened to you?"

"Oh... are you homophobic?" Like she'd say she was. 

"No, of course not." 

"Oh, I wrote a gay song for my presentation in class and these stupid frat boys beat the shit out of me."

"Oh, that sucks. Who was the song about?" She looked intrigued.

"Minho. My boyfriend."

"Yeowoo's dad?" 

"Yeah... he's only like 2 years older than me."

"Well good for you I guess, he's hot."

"I know... we said 'I love you' to each other two days ago and I'm still freaking out about it."

"Ooooh, look at you. I hope you stay together. Now, go get to work."

"Ugh, fine."

I've never really talked to Miya, but I should because I can tell we'd be good friends. I'm just usually too introverted to say anything but hello to her. 

I walked into the back to go hang out with the kids. I tried to not just go to Woo but I couldn't help it. I want to be close to him if I'm gonna date his dad. 


"Hey Woo!" 

He hugged me but he's so small he was just hugging my legs. I ruffled his hair. Such a cute kid.

"Why didn't you come over yesterday?" 

"Well you were at school and your dad was at work! And I have schoolwork to do, I missed a lot."

"All we do in kindergarten is read and draw. Oh, and math."

"Lucky, I do lots of hard work. One day you'll understand."

I never thought that I'd fall for someone with a kid. But it's completely not a dealbreaker. If anything, Yeowoo brought us together. Kids are smarter than they seem, maybe he knew we'd like each other. 

"Did your dad tell you that I'm his boyfriend now?"

"Huh?! Really? That's so cool. Does that mean you're also my dad?"

"I wouldn't go that far... how about father figure?" I laughed.

"Okay!" He hugged me again, but this time I was on his level.

I really have a good feeling about this relationship. 


At around 4pm, Minho showed up for Yeowoo. I just went home with them. After Yeowoo fell asleep we had sex, then we showered together which was quite something. And finally, we went to sleep around midnight. 

"Goodnight, I love you." I said bravely.

"Love you too, night." 


this book is nearing it's end... i'm gonna time skip next chapter, this is your warning

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