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The morning broke through the long stone windows, revealing a large oak table adorned with all different options of food and drink.

'Call the children for their breakfast' Ordered a large muscular man,white hair and a beard with a beautiful woman in a long white dress sitting next to him. Odin and Frigga, King and Queen.

'Morning father!' A young boy strolled in with a great smile,grinning and with golden hair.

'Ah! Thor! My boy, I hoped you slept well because we have another training session after breakfast' Odin beamed.

'Always father!'

After a few minutes there was no sign of the other son,Odin started to get annoyed. Frigga tried to convince Odin that he should have patience and she was sure there was a reason why he was late. Then in a flash a toad lept onto the table and landed in Odin's porridge in front of him, you could hear children giggling from under the table.


Odin jumped up and the two children ran out from under the table,heading for the hallway still giggling.

'You need to talk to him Frigga before I do!' Growled Odin,Frigga gave a nod trying to hide a smile.

In the hallway corridor Loki and his best friend Y/N were laughing. They usually played pranks around the royal palace,now they were getting older Loki learned to improve his powers.
Y/N was not yet taught on how to control her magic - her parents were more afraid about the magic because they had no magic themselves. Y/N's mother aided Frigga in the palace and her father was in the Asgardian army so neither had either the time or knowledge to help her harness it's energy.

'That was amazing Loki' gushed Y/N
'Did you see the look on Odin's face?!'
Y/N tried acting it out, Loki laughed until he saw his mother Frigga walking towards him.

'Please go home Y/N, I need to speak with Loki' she touched Y/N's shoulder gently and gave her a nod.

'Was fun - as it always is Prince Loki' she winked knowing it always flustered him.
Once she left Frigga watched her boy, almost an Adolescent and so much to learn,a lot of responsibility to come; So she enjoyed that he was enjoying himself and not forgetting to have fun. Unlike Thor who wanted to train everyday for his dad's approval. After all Thor was to take over his fathers throne one day.

'No pranks or tricks in front of your father dear, he does not understand them' she touched his cheek and smiled.
Loki looked up at her with his glistening green eyes and returned the smile.

'Now come, let us go outside in the courtyard so I can show you how to make fireworks out of magic' They giggled and hand in hand walked into the court yard.

A few years passed, Y/n and Loki were still the best of friends and spent most of their free time together, they were still playing pranks and making mischief. Tonight was a special ball for all the young adolescents, to perhaps find someone they could share the rest of their life with - or just have some fun and socialise.
Loki was wearing a white shirt with a crisp deep forest green waistcoat and black trousers with matching dress coat. Y/n complimented his attire. she wore a floor length,sleek, deep emerald green dress with lacing. It was slightly open in front and a low open back to which a few people gasped and chatted amongst themselves.

Y/N and Loki grinned because they knew they had all the attention. Loki held out his arm and she interlocked as they headed to the ballroom. Loki could not stop staring at her, she had eyes where you could easily get lost in and perfect cheekbones. The smile, it gave him butterflies each time.
Y/N turned to look at Loki,she felt his gaze and it was making her blush.

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