Is this a dream?

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Y/N grabbed a dagger and Loki stepped backwards,

'Uhm, darling'

She then sliced her palm open, stared at the blood dripping down her arm then touched his face with the other hand. She dropped the dagger on the floor and dropped to her knees.
Confused Loki rushed to her and checked her wound.

'Why on earth would you do that?! I need to tie that up before you loose too much blood' Loki began to conjure strips of cloth and wrapped it around her hand.

' I needed to test to see if this was a dream' she mumbled. She looked up at him with tears in her eyes

'But, your real, it worked!' She began to get excited and Loki cupped her face and wiped a tear away with his thumb.

'What exactly did you do my dear, why have I awoken in a crypt' he looks around and see's his favourite book.

'I thought cause your dead you might want to read' she shrugged then laughed.
Smiling he entwined his fingers through hers.

'It was very thoughtful'

'So, there is a lot to process but I need to rest, there is a powerful Titan who will be searching for me soon. The thing is he collected powerful stones and clicked his fingers. The half of the avengers disappeared, ceased to exist. We went back in time to retrieve the stones and now attempt to reverse his snap to bring everyone back, I , uhm might of stolen them and ported to my room and used the space stone to travel to Asgard where I revived you using the Soulstone. My energy has been drained.

'Darling I could of just touched you and read your mind' he laughed. Scowling she used her telekinesis to throw a stone at him.

'Ouch, how did you do that?' He looked surprised and then amused.

Well my first plan was train as hard as I could, master my powers and find and defeat Thanos and take the Soul stone myself but I found other easier ways but they kept failing. Then Tony and Bruce figured out quantum jumping in time and thought I would wait to see if they were successful and well we were.

Smirking Loki then bit his lip,

'Well that is naughty, your just as mischievous as I am' his green eyes glistened with lust.

Y/N wanted to give into her desires badly but needed to focus, Thanos was still out there and half of her family is still missing, Natasha is dead, the plan was not over yet.

'Perhaps we should say hello to your parents and brother first, they have missed you dearly' she kisses him gently on the lips and they both stay and savor the sweetness of each others lips.

He pulled a face but then smiled

' Your right, come my darling' he holds his arm out for her to loop through and walked together.

'I learnt another trick' she grins and grabs his arm and teleports to the main doors of the throne room.

'I am thoroughly impressed! You did it with ease and was a smooth transition' his eyes were wide and with a flick of her wrist she opened the throne room.

'You sure you don't want to stop off at my chambers' he begged tugging at her waist with puppy dog eyes.
She leaned in and whispered something in his ear in which he raises an eyebrow and bites his lip again.

'Promise?' He growls

'Do I ever break a promise?' She purrs and they both walk into the Throne room where both Odin and Frigga stand, holding each others hand with a large smile and a tear rolled down Frigga's cheek.

'My Son, We have missed you deeply and when Y/N came to us for help I was at first weary what to make of it. It made me question my judgement as King and all father. I am however glad I gave her this chance, because her sheer will and determination has brought you back to us, to her. Look after her Loki or I will personally throw you back into a cell' he gave a cheeky smile and Frigga scowled. Both Y/N and Loki understood it was a joke and laughed.

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