Not according to plan

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Stephen levitated to Y/N and she sensed he wanted to say something important but in the end he mutters
'Good luck'

Taking a deep breath she levitates out in front.
'Hey babe, uhm I can't levitate remember' Steve tried to catch up to her.
There was a sudden beam onto the ground at the front and two images slowly came into view. The alien from early this morning and a huge giant purple alien guy who was very beefed up.

'I am here for the space and mind stone' he bellowed.
The silence that followed made him move forward and started looking around.

'You will not get them, how about handing over your stones and we let you leave in your tin can ship and leave ' Tony was now next to Y/N in his suit hovering.

'Aaah Y/N, There you are - I can feel the stones power radiate from you. Just hand them over, you already lost one loved one. I am sure you don't want to loose an entire family too' he smirked.

'Stone is staying with me, I will not allow your purple ass decimating half the universes population just cause you have gone a bit crackers' Y/N's aurora started to glow.

Turning to Proxima Midnight he lifts his hand and drops it again. In return she gets her weapon and makes a noise.

'I gave you 2 chances, Proxima bring me the mind stone I want the space for myself - her powers intrigue me' Thanos then puts on a helmet.
A horn like sound is blasted and the Wakanda royal guards get into form. A dome like shield covers them and just in time too because a group of aliens were beamed down and appeared out of no where, their teeth dripping with salvia and snarling ready to attack.

Proxima rushed forward and so did the other aliens, an alien went ahead and jumped on the protection dome and he fizzled into dust. Most of them halted to a stop but others still threw themselves at the dome trying to make it weaker.
Okeye mentioned it wouldn't last much longer if they kept running into the shield and they suddenly felt a rumble on the floor.

'MOVE!' she shouted but was too late a giant tunneling vehicle busted out from under the ground killing a group of the Wakanda Royal guards.
Clint shot explosive arrows at the vehicle which slowed it down and then Hulk grabbed the wheel and threw it and broke into pieces.
Now that there was a tunnel aliens were running through and was getting into the Dome but the shield was still taking hits from suicidal aliens throwing themselves at it. Yelena threw down some grenades in hope that the tunnel would collapse but the aliens kept coming.
Y/N was using her magic to throw the aliens around and noticed Proxima heading to the laboratory, she was about to follow but she heard Natasha shout out. Looking back she was crowded and Y/N teleported in the middle and took her daggers out, but not just any daggers. Loki's daggers. She twirled elegantly and her arms memorizing yet deadly sliced through her opponents. Lightning cracked around them as Thor releases lightning and burnt some aliens to crisp.

Tony flew overhead saying he needed to help the lab and was gone again.

'Come, Let us trade. Your life for the stone' Thanos threw some guards aside like they were made of air.

Y/N blasted a few orbs at him and he barely moved backwards. Then the Stormbreaker came flying at him which knocked him off his feet.

'Pick on someone your own size grape' Thor began swinging his axe again and added lightning in which Thanos groaned in pain when it landed.
In the background they could hear explosions and noticed the lab was releasing black smoke.
Dr. Strange was trying to repair the holes that now showed through the shield.
Natasha threw some grenades down the tunnel and killed a few more aliens but they seemed to just keep coming.
Y/N threw more orbs at Thanos and in-between aliens attacked but a shield came whizzing past her slicing through them, she then jumped on the shield for leverage and jumped in the air,  grabbing her throwing knives she propels them toward Thanos who blocks them with his arms, one stuck in like a pin and he easily pulled it out and laughed. She landed with her feet on his shoulders and she stabbed him in the arm, he staggers backwards and tries to pull her off. Grabbing her with one arm he holds her by the throat.

'NOOOOO' Thor came running and he got swarmed by aliens, Natasha and Clint were helping him and Steve was busy with another group.
Hanging in the air Thanos starts to search her and begins to get irritated because he could not find the stone. Y/N begins to smirk and Thanos throws her to the floor. This guy was unbelievably strong especially since he has most of the stones now.

'Where is it?!' He was becoming impatient.
'I don't understand, I feel the power within you' he stops and has a cold expression on his face that gave Y/N shivers.
'Within you...' he seemed proud about figuring it out.
Proxima is suddenly standing next to Thanos producing the mind stone.
Y/N turns around to see the lab on fire and destroyed. Wanda was flying with Dr.Strange and Wanda seemed defeated with red puffy eyes, she quickly scanned the battle field the others tired and beaten, being over run by the aliens.
Thanos produced a gauntlet and put it on, Y/N stepped back and felt a bump. It was Thor and Steve behind her ready to defend her all the way.
Proxima got out her blade and jumped into the air and was heading straight to Natasha. The aliens were still coming in left right and center. Tony was still flying around trying to fend them off. Bucky was using his gun shooting and picking off the aliens around them. Okeye and Yelena came running to save Natasha, Wanda was using her powers but was slowly loosing control with grief.
Everyone knew the mind stone powered Vision, without it he was just an empty vessel. Y/N felt anger rise in her, she just wanted that soul stone.

Y/N screamed and ran towards Thanos throwing orbs bigger then usual, Thor was using his axe swinging it around and hitting Thanos who was struggling. Steve was using his shield to deflect Thanos attempts to fight back.

'ENOUGH!' Thanos expelled a power hitting them to the ground, putting his gauntlet on
he kicked Steve so hard he rolled a few feet away. Thor threw in a few more punches and Thanos now full of power after absorbing another stone stopped one of Thor's punches and crushed his hand then threw him on top of Steve.

Y/N lunged back onto Thanos trying to take the gauntlet off, noticing Loki's dagger still in his arm she grabbed it and twisted and pulled down. Screaming out in pain Thanos struck her to the floor and the dagger fell next to her.
Aiming the gauntlet at her he started to absorb her stone. The blue energy was coming out of her body and the burning intense pain weaved throughout her body. Screaming in agony she tried to block it or keep it in but the gauntlet with the five stones was too much. Feeling weaker she fell to her knees and Thanos let out a cry of relief.

'Thank you dear Asgardian' he marvels at the last stone and places it into his gauntlet.
Weak Y/N struggles to get onto her feet and Bucky runs to help her up.
She then unveils her hidden daggers and empowers them with her magic and runs again, whilst running Thanos grins wickedly at her and raises his hand with the gauntlet, he then proceeds to snap his fingers. gaining balance she was about to jump ready to thrust her daggers into his neck when all of a sudden he gets beamed up onto the ship whilst still laughing.

'WANDA?! NO,YELENA!!' Natasha screams

'Uh guys..' Bucky sounded scared

Turning around Y/N witness half of the people on the battleground slowly disapparating into dust.
Wanda and Bucky were almost gone and a scream from Okeye was heard.

'Guys, what the fuck is happening?!' Tears were welling up in Y/Ns eyes, Dr.Strange appeared before her, half of his body had already disintegrated.

'There was no other way' He then vanishes into a whirlwind of dust.

'This can't be happening' Y/N sobs, Thor consoles her while Steve was on his knees at the location where Bucky vanished.

'I failed you all' Y/N felt numb and guilty for what just happened and got up to stumble a few steps before breaking down on the floor. She emitted a surge of energy that exploded around her whilst she was uncontrollably crying.
Everyone else just sat on the floor in silence, tired and confused. Corpses laying around and no alien in sight just the dead ones. The body of Proxima was luckily found but it was her who pried the stone out of Visions head. Wanda did get her revenge on the battlefield before slowly turning into Ash.

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