Closing in

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Thor barges into the gym and sees Y/N sparring with Natasha.

'Lady Y/N ,please may I have a word, its urgent!'

Being caught off guard Natasha hits Y/N onto her feet, she bends to offer a hand to Y/N in which she then pulls Natasha in and wraps her thighs around Natasha's torso and puts her in a choke hold.

'Who needs television when you get to watch this' Bucky grins and nudges Thor.

'Urgh Bucky, get laid' Y/N releases Natasha and Thor helps her up.

'I mean I asked but you gave me a death glare..yeah, that's the one' Bucky points and smirks.

'I have heard from my father that Thanos has another stone, he decimated planet Xander' Thor notices the rest of the group is now watching them.

'He what?! A whole freaking planet!' By now everyone walked closer to hear.

'This Thanos guy really should not be under estimated Y/N, we need to protect you. The stone he now possess is the power stone' Thor grabs her shoulder but Y/N wriggles out of it.

'Where is Vision?'

'On a mission for a few days' replies Natasha.

'Fuck, call him back. We need to keep him close, can you get Tony to track him?' Y/N takes off her sparring gloves and heads for the door 'I need to go see a certain sorcerer cause he might also be in danger'

When she was out of earshot Thor looked at Bucky and he nodded 'Wont let her out of my sight' and follows after Y/N. Whilst walking through the city she stops at a crossing and waits for the green light, all of a sudden an orange portal appears beneath her feet and she disappears through it.

Falling to the floor she jumps up in a fighting stance.
'Y/N, nice to meet again' Stephen levitates down the stairs with a cup of coffee.

'I was on my way to you, but I guess portal is quicker' she straightens herself up.
'Wow, has anyone told you your eyes are so captivating'

Stephen was caught off guard and smiled.
'I was told you were quite the flirt'

Acting surprised Y/N then flicked her hair.
'When your as old as I am Stephen you don't hold back. Are you ok? You look a bit battered and bruised'

Now that Stephen was closer she saw his cuts and bruises. He unconsciously reached for his chest and Y/N noticed his amulet was gone.

'I have summoned you because, well I had a visitor and it did not go well' he looks down into his coffee.

'So, he has the time stone too now?'

'Yes, I was so busy with training others that I was blindsided to the fact he had help from the inside. He needs to be stopped and he already has 4 of the stones, you know just as well as I do where the last 2 are'

'Fuck' Y/N explodes some energy out and Stephen summoned a magical shield to protect himself.

'Do you have any other information?'

'I need to go back and check all the timelines and universes and wether there is any successful ways but I might not be back in time'

Y/N puts her hands through her hair and her phone goes off, looking at it she see's Natasha's name.
'I need to take this' she excuses herself and Stephen looks back into his coffee, he looked very guilty.

'Hey Nat, what's up'

'You need to come back to the compound now. Vision is on his way and Tony is upping security and we might have found a great place for you to hide out in - especially Vision.'

' I'll be at the compound faster then you can say my name' Y/N looked at Stephen and he understood and opened a portal. Hanging up she places her hand on his arm.

'Thank you and good luck, I hope you can find the answers in time but I fear Thanos is too close for comfort'

'They are going to take you to Wakanda, it's a good place to keep Vision , they might be able to take the stone out with the help of Shuri. They have the highest tech you can think of. Hopefully I will see you soon'

Y/N heads for the portal and walks onto the garden at the compound.

'Hey! What the hell is that and where was you' Bucky was running up to her. Y/N winked and walked off into the compound looking for Natasha, she noticed Clint running to his room and Wanda was holding a bag and shouted for Vision. They all seemed in a rush.

'Damn, you were fast but you wasn't within the perimeter, we searched' Natasha stood confused.

'I went looking for a sorcerer remember, I got bad news though, Thanos has another stone to his collection- the time stone' Y/N dodged a running Steve in the corridor

'Hey! Quin jet leaving in 10mins,I packed a few things for you, got all your daggers' he continued running.

Natasha amused at Steve began to talk again 'We are off to..'

'Wakanda, yeah I was told. I will catch the team up when we are all on board. I am gonna go check my room to see if Steve packed all my weapons. Catch you on the jet'
Y/N went to her room and her weapon racks on the wall were empty, Steve brought them all even the Avengers suit was gone, she grabbed her duffle bag that was always pre packed for last minute missions and headed for the jet. She wondered what Wakanda looked like, she heard the skilled Black Panther resided here.

On the Quin jet the whole team was present, she updated them with the news of the time stone and the air was somber,Wanda held Visions hand and he squeezed it back.
Y/N got up to sit alone and she looks down at her engagement ring, she needs that soul stone but it started to seem more difficult then she thought.

'How are you holding up?' Steve massages her shoulders gently and Y/N begins to relax.

'I am trying to stay calm but this doesn't look good, I hope these people can help us protect Vision'

'And you' Steve kisses her forehead, Y/N snuggled into him and looked back down at her ring.

<Steve, Natasha, Yelena, Y/N, Wanda your the first team to go get some sleep> the over head speaker announced.

'I will protect you till the end' they then gently kiss on the lips and lie down in their stretchers and fell asleep.

Landing Y/N grabs her things and gives a friendly hug to Wanda who looked nervous.
The doors opened and the ramp started to eject, she saw people waiting at the bottom. Due to Wakanda being in Eastern Africa the heat hit you pretty hard when the doors opened. Tony walked off first and greeted a man standing tall, Y/N and Vision then followed and the man did a greeting by crossing his arms.

'Welcome to Wakanda, I am T'challa. I have heard a lot about you and we are delighted to have finally met you, especially our scientist who "wants to pick your brain" ' he looks across at a woman who seemed very excited.
'Okeye here will show you all to your quarters. Tony you can meet up with Shuri'
The bubbly scientist let out a shriek and ran towards Tony.

'Follow me, Nice to see you again Bucky' Okeye gave Bucky a look and walked towards the buildings. Bucky grunted and followed with the rest.

Passing the corridors they passed a courtyard where they saw soldiers train, they were in unison and hypnotizing.
'They have trained most of their lives, their schedule has become strict since we heard of the incoming arrival of Thanos' Okeye continued walking and the others caught up.

'This is the hall for dining, this here is where the guest rooms are and because your with the whole group you have to share rooms.
'Tony and Bruce, Natasha and Clint, Wanda and Vision, Y/N and Steve, Bucky and Thor' everyone started to get into their groups.
'Food will be served when the sun sets, I will now head back to T'Challa to discuss further plans, don't hesitate to ask any questions' with that Okeye walks off and everyone checks out their room. Everyone's stomachs were rumbling and they were hoping for a big feast.

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