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As the rage burns through her body she is also reminded of the last time they met, levitating she turns to the rest of what is left of her family and smiles at them, she did not want any of them hurt or worse dead. Steve realized what she was about to do and got ready to run.

'No, you can't do this on your own, please I don't want to loose you' he tried to run but was stuck to the ground. Still smiling she put a shield around them and left, flying to where Thanos was waiting.
Tony tried shooting his way out and Steve threw his shield a few times to try and break the barrier.

'Damn that strange wizard guy, he taught her this spell' Tony tried running into the shield but rebounded and fell onto his back with a groan.
Steve shouted and kicked the ground, knowing she would of done this but hoped he could stop her.

By the lake Thanos was sat on the grass overlooking the lake and didn't even turn to look at her.

'I can see why you sit here often, it is relaxing for the soul' he muttered

'Soul? I don't think you even have one to know what it is' scoffed Y/N who was glowing with an orange aura, he chuckled and slowly got up facing Y/N.

'I can feel your power has improved even without help from the infinity stones that you now possess. How?' He was intrigued, a power hungry Titan himself needed to know her secrets.

'I am driven with glorious purpose, reason, a sheer will power to make sure I end your life here and now. To reverse your actions and to be with my family again' her Aura become a more vibrant orange and her eyes were glowing amber.

Thanos was impressed but tried not to show it, he was staring into her eyes, almost hypnotized.

'Have you ever thought of joining me? With the two of us we would be unstoppable, the universe would fear us, rule anything and destroy planets within minutes' He still watched her, feeling her rage within. Landing on her feet she walks towards Thanos, keeping eye contact.

'I would rather be punished for a hundred thousand years then become partners with you. Without me you will become nothing, I am the power, the intelligence, mischievous and feed on Chaos. I do not need anyone by my side, I can dominate the universe myself so bow down to me or be prepared to fight for your measly ,pathetic life' Y/N stood tall, the anger in her tone made Thanos think about his next actions.
There was running behind her, she looked slightly behind her not taking her full attention off Thanos and noticed the shield wore off, She was not tethered to it like back at the compound so she had not much control over it.

'Get back, I am fine on my own' she snarled, her eyes burning. A light flickered and Thanos had a enormous sword and jumped in the air and was heading for Steve.

'I will end everything you own' he shouted, Steve used his shield to deflect but a chunk was hit off, shocked he was distracted and Thanos kicked him in his stomach in which he fell to the floor a few feet away.
Tony began shooting but Thanos was easily deflecting with his sword and shot a a laser pulse back at Tony who lost power in his suit.

'Fuck guys' Y/N was loosing focus, angry that they did not listen. Steve was still not up and was knocked out on the floor. Clint was shooting arrows and Thanos was laughing hitting them away with his bare arms.

'This was just between me and you Thanos, you know they are no match for you' Y/N threw some orbs at Thanos who turned his attention from Clint to Y/N.

'I will end them first, then I will take my time with you. Will hunt your precious Loki so you can grieve him again. Asgard will fall and I will decimate the planet along with your precious Odin and Frigga' he scoffed.
Y/N smiled and it turned into a grin and she began to laugh, a cold and psychotic laugh in which made Thanos a bit uneasy.

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