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A few weeks has passed and Y/N hardly ever left Loki's bed chambers. The funeral was a week ago and they buried him in the royal catacombs, it looked like he was sleeping peacefully.
The Avengers would take turns knocking on the door and trying to coax her out of the room. Sometimes it worked, other times she would turn to her other side and pretend to sleep.
They found out via Thor that they were engaged so no one brought it up until she was ready to tell them herself.

There was a knock at the door and Y/N sighed.
'Come in'
Frigga entered and she was saddened to see Y/N in this state.

'My dear Y/N, it saddens me deeply to see you like this. Heartache and grief has ravaged you.' She tucks a piece of Y/N's hair behind her ear.

'I miss him so much Frigga, I feel so empty and I can still smell him on these sheets. His book is still where he left it' she looks to the bedside table and begins to slowly tear up again.

'He would not want you to live like this, grief takes time and no one really fully heals from it, but you learn how to deal with it' she pauses and hesitates but continues.
'Your friends are leaving in a few hours, perhaps you should stay with them. I promise you I will leave Loki's room as it is and you may visit whenever you wish. But they are family too and they only want to care for you and see you flourish again. Plus Asgard is the protector of the nine realms. Odin has already requested you fight as an Asgardian and defend earth with Thor'

Y/N had been thinking of heading back to earth for a while,just to clear her head. Asgard reminded her so much of Loki that she didn't want to leave the bed. Perhaps being in different surroundings she could breath and perhaps grieve better, plus she knew her friends would always be there to cheer her up.
Y/N took a deep breath and knew Frigga was right.
Sensing her guilt of leaving,Frigga held her hand and picked up the hand with the ring

A deep voice spoke from her bedroom door 'My dear,you will always be part of our family Y/N and I am proud to call you my daughter' Odin was by the door making Frigga and Y/N jump.

'Thank you all father'

'I have one more gift,I think it would benefit you. Being my warrior defending Midgardians I went down into the vault and collected my warlock eye. This relic gives you telekinesis using your mind, I know you can do the basics using your hands but hands free is very useful' he winks.

Y/N got up to bow and he released the relic to Y/N who absorbed the powers. Straight away she tested it and closed the door while doing a few fight punches. It worked and was indeed helpful.

'My child, In a few months it is the annual ball. Please, We would highly appreciate your presence, bring Thor he always forgets' rolling his eyes he smiles and gives Y/N a hug.

'Goodbye Princess Y/N'

With that both Odin and Frigga left her room and she sat on the bed and looked around. She packed her daggers and took Loki's too. The rest she left and went off to walk to the catacombs. One last chat to Loki before she leaves.

Running to the Bifrost she hoped she wasn't too late,she forgot time even existed when talking to Loki, she even sang sometimes. She saw the avengers saying their goodbyes and noticed Steve kept looking around for someone.

'Hey Kid! Offer is still open' Tony shouted making Steve turn so fast he stumbled into Bucky.

Odin and Frigga gave their farewell and Y/N bowed. Gave Thor a big hug who decided to stay on Asgard for a little longer to spend more time with his family and help clean up and rebuild the city.

Y/N felt torn about leaving but knew it was for the best to heal herself. Walking up to Tony she smiled as she passed and joined the others. They all came running to her happy that she took their offer and piled into a big group hug. Y/N cried some more and they walked as a family over the Bifrost back to earth.

A month has passed and Y/N moved out of her apartment and into the compound. They made Friday evenings movie/game night and once a week she would walk to the lake alone,sit and talk to Loki.
The healing process was progressing and her emotions were more stable. Steve was her shoulder to cry on and he himself was careful and gave her the space and time she needed.

In the kitchen everyone was laughing around the breakfast table and wanting Wanda's famous pancakes. Tony's voice flooded the room via his AI J.A.R.V.I.S

'Listen up guys, new mission incoming so can we meet in the meeting room asap'

As everyone was getting up, Y/N rose and shouted

'Last one to the meeting room will have to clean up!'

Everyone looked at each other, bracing themselves whether anyone was gonna join in. After a split second screeching of chairs and klinking of cutlery drowned the kitchen and Natasha screamed and laughed. Clint pushed her to the floor but she managed to grab his ankle bringing him down in the process too. Bucky managed to jump over them and opened the door, Wanda then lifted her t-shirt to Bucky who was so shocked he crashed into Steve who quickly looked away at her exposure. Laughing Y/N scrambled through the door and levitated over Bucky who was on the floor and shouted

'Worth it!'

Y/N, Steve and Wanda were running and Steve was taking lead due to his Super Soldier Serum.

'Wanda, sweetie. You cooked your automatically excluded!' Y/N waved to her and ran passed.

'Thank god' she stopped and grasped her side. Stopped running and held the rest back so that Y/N could win.

'I can see what they mean by Americas ass' shouted Y/N trying to distract Steve.
She then realised what she was capable of and teleported to the meeting room where Tony jumped and threw his hands in the air.

'I know Kung Fu' he said playfully.

They could hear Steve laughing and bolted through the door,his face dropped when he seen Y/N sat in the chair.

'Oh come on, that is cheating. No teleporting!' Steve tried catching his breath

'Well you have insane serum speed' she shrugs,everyone came piling through the door and Bucky came in last'

'Ah fuck' he then smiles and put his hands in the air admitting defeat.

'Now that I got all the animals back to the zoo' Tony lifts his eyebrow at the recent commotion and continues ' Fury gave me this mission and we will be leaving soon. Steve,Natasha and Y/N your team 1 and these are the co-ordinations. I need you to scout the area and find any possible leads on a assassin that is lurking around that area. My report tells me it is a widow, so that is why your gonna lead on this mission Nat.'

Natasha seemed surprised but nodded, Y/N felt a bit nervous doubting whether she was ready for missions, hoping she would stay focused.

Tony threw a file at Wanda,
'You, Bucky and Clint are team 2, I need you in the area ready to support team 1 if it is needed. But as always stay vigilant and keep your eyes open. I will stay here with Bruce in the control panel room,scanning all the CCTV in the area. You know what to do, everyone check your ear piece before leaving. Communication is key!'

Looking at the clock he lifted his arms and flapped his hands

'We leave in 40minutes! Go go go'

Everyone got up and Y/N shouted

'Last one to the Quinjet needs to cook the next meal'

She ran to the door ,followed by everyone else who started shouting and laughing.

'NO TELEPORTING' yelled Steven in the corridor,

Tony rolled his eyes.

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