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'Get off my arm!' shouted Natasha

'I need to hit red!' Yelena shrieked

'Ok, Steve , Left foot blue' giggled Y/N 

'Oh, damn' stretching his leg he managed to go under Natasha and touch his left foot on the blue circle. Spinning again it landed on right hand yellow and Y/N laughed knowing this was impossible for Yelena.

'right hand' she pauses and looks at Yelena who drops her smile 'yellow!'

'Dammit!' she tries to weave between Steve but was already in an awkward position and decides to take them all out and falls, they topple onto a pile laughing and shouting.

'You Midgardians have strange games' Loki scratched his head

'Twister is a classic' called out Yelena who then grabs a beer, Natasha sits next to Clint who puts his arm around her and kisses her forehead.

'Hey Lena, that was my beer' frowned Wanda, using her telekinesis Y/N opened the fridge door and took a few out and placed them on the coffee table in front of them.

'Oh whilst your at it I need new ice' grinned Scott who injured himself at the last mission

'I told you to duck left' Y/N rolled her eyes

'My left!! You meant your left!' he threw his hands up in the air and Bucky nodded in agreement

'Hey tin arm , butt out of this' Y/N sticks her middle finger up, he gasps and puts the back of his hand against his forehead in a dramatic fashion

'That is not how the future queen should act' he winks and then dodges a pillow thrown at his head by Y/N.

'Oh Clint you promised to teach me some archery tomorrow, I am keen to learn another skill set, so don't drink too much' Y/N peered at his stash of empty beer bottles

'Ain't you powerful enough yet? You could kill me just sat there not lifting a finger' he then puts his index finger on the side of his head and pretends to kill people will his mind. Natasha laughs and pushes him. Tony suddenly speaks via their speakers.

<'There is a visitor waiting outside on the grass , asking for Y/N and the Odison brothers, shall I shoot or ?>

'We will check it out, if you see us fighting then shoot' the three of them then stand and head outside to the front lawn.

'Thor, Loki Odison and Lady Y/N! Nice to see you three again' Heimdall greets them with open arms and he is greeted with confused faces. 'Right, I guess this is a bit unexpected but the King and Queen of Asgard request your presence and have a very special message, Preferably now if you are not busy with your duties so I took a look, to see if you were, Midgardians have strange games'

'Yes! Thank you, see!' Loki turned to Y/N with a told you so face.

'We will arrive very shortly, just need to update the team, and call off the lasers waiting to shoot at you' Thor then did a thumbs up to the cameras in the garden.

'Probably another party' sighed Loki

'Oooh, I can buy a new dress' Y/N shrieked, to which resulted in Loki rolling his eyes and was going to open his mouth and caught Thor slowly shaking his head and mouthing no.

'Wise words Thor, keep your mouth shut Loki' and with that Heimdall vanished in a golden beam, Thor and Loki looked guilty and then shrugged at a very suspicious Y/N. Entering back into the compound a row of shots were lined up.

'Hope you don't mind big guy but we found some Asgardian wine next to your hammer, let us all take shots' Clint fist pumped the air.
They all lined up and Tony put some music on, Welcome to the Jungle by Guns and Roses begins to play.
'Perfect' laughed Y/N 'Ok, ready? one, two, THREE!!' she giggled. Everyone took a shot and began coughing.

'ANOTHER!' yelled Thor and smashed his glass on the floor.

After a few shots, Y/N quickly shot up from the cough almost lifting Loki with her, she remembered they were summoned by Odin and Frigga and quickly explained to the team who all got up hugging them and wishing them a good trip and to see them soon. Outside Thor lifted his hammer and Y/N held Loki as they all lifted into the air with speed they had difficulty composing themselves. Landing in Asgard again Thor turned to both of them and placed his fingers to his lips.

'SHHH!' he swayed slightly 'I feel like a teenager again' he almost tripped over his cloak as they made their way into the place. Walking the halls to the throne room, they were very drunk from the recent shots.

' Ok, let me talk' slurred Loki

'I am the favourite though, so if you mess up I'll save it' Thor smirked

'Both of you will stay quiet' hissed Y/N who casually waves a bit too enthusiastically at a guard and walked passed, Loki and Thor held their laugh in, Y/N was not one to wave like that. The doors opened and they were greeted with a happy Odin and Frigga,

'Ah my favourite three' he shouted 

Loki looked at Thor who poked his tongue out 'See, he has no favourite child Sparkles'

'I'm telling father you destroyed his favourite cloak' sneered Thor who wobbled slightly,

'Guys' Y/N hissed and both Thor and Loki stood up straight and looked forward, Frigga hid her smile behind her hand.

'Good night I take it' Odin could tell they were drunk 'I called you three here because your mother and I have been talking and had an open heart discussion about our further plans, she wants to travel Midgard, of all places. We have watched you three enjoy yourself and have kept Midgard protected since the last big attack and now that the grand battle against Y/N and Thanos is behind us, we thought now is the time for Loki and Y/N to retire from the Avengers and take their position on the throne. We are both sad ,but it's suddenly forgotten knowing who will take our place. We are still waiting for your marriage - yes you had a quiet affair and are officially married on Midgard but you still need the grand Asgardian wedding, your mother is ready to plan and organize this for you, what say you Y/N? Get married here and be Queen?' he looks full of enthusiasm and excited. Y/N opens her mouth but is shocked for words.

'You may speak now, please, Loki?' she whispers looking slightly to Loki, who in turn was also speechless.

'Uh, when did you plan on this transition father, mother ? ' Loki sounded nervous and Thor tried to stay awake while standing, he had drunk more then they thought.

'Ah, about that dear' Frigga interjected looking a bit guilty 'I may have already announced a wedding date and thought we would surprise Asgard with your titles. Married and a title on one day' she then smiles and quickly looks to Odin

Thor giggles and sways again 'Surpriiiiiise' he then falls back asleep.

'Are we ready for this?' said Y/N in a panic, Loki grabbed her hands and pulled her in closer

'I think you would look great in that crown' he cooed

'We are still allowed to visit Midgard right?' the thought of being in the palace all the time cooped up made her nervous, she still wanted to see her family.

'Yes, you still have free reign as long as someone can step in' Loki and Y/N both looked at Thor and a half smile appeared on their faces.

'Good enough!'

'FANTASTIC!' Odin boomed through the hall, making Thor jump and he let off a crackle of lightning.

'I will proceed with the plans immediately' Frigga then makes haste and leaves the room in excitement. Odin leaves in another door, Thor is half standing and snoring whilst Loki and Y/N stood in shock, their life was going to change drastically in very little time, they laugh and shake their heads.

'Would you like to join me in your chambers God of Mischief?' she walks passed and bites her lower lip.

'Would be my pleasure my Queen' he grabs her from behind and walks off carrying her in his arms as they kiss.

Thor's snoring echo's in the throne room and is left alone.

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