No time to rest

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Everyone was in the kitchen eating. Tony ordered pizza for everyone, they all greeted Yelena and offered her a slice, in which she greatly accepted.
Y/N took a slice and headed for the gym.
'Sweetie this whole plate is for you' Wanda lifted it in the air, and Y/N shook her head.
'Not hungry but thank you' she then left for the gym.

While punching a bag,she let all her frustrations out. The sadness turned to anger and she took a few good punches.

'Are you ok?' Said a voice behind her

'Just one of them days Steve' she punches a few more times.

'I am here when ever you need to talk'

'I am fine, enjoy yourself at the pizza party. Don't want me putting a damp vibe on the atmosphere' she fakes smiles and punches the bag.

'How can I enjoy myself when I know your alone and upset? I mean it Y/N, I am here for you. If your lonely at night wake me up and I will sit with you, need some air we can go for a walk.I care for you and want you to be happy, you deserve it'

Y/N punches the bag repeatedly and tears stream down her face. Steve steps closer and Y/N collapses onto the bag hugging it and breaks down.

'It still hurts Steve, I miss him so much and i'm still getting used to being alone in bed' he hugs her and comforts her.

'I know what it feels like, I still think about Peggy all the time and yes it hurts'

Y/N looks up realising he indeed has a similar situation, it made her feel a bit better knowing someone shared the same pain. Steve slowly wiped a tear from her cheek and Y/N closed her eyes, enjoying the physical contact. Opening her eyes again they get lost into each others eyes and gently kissed. There was a moments silence and both started to pull on each others clothes while passionately kissing.
A million thoughts was going through her head, guilty emotions but also fiery lust. She did fancy Steve after all but was almost 3 months long enough. They were now in their underwear and their hands were all over each other still kissing. Y/N pushed him onto the floor and took her bra off and straddled him.

'Now, let us see if there really is a bit of a bad boy in our good captain' Y/N purred.
'Otherwise I'll teach an old dog new tricks' she grinned.
Steve then rolled her over so that he was on top.
'Are you sure about this?' He pinned her to the floor,his heart racing. He wanted this for months.
'Fuck me' moaned Y/N.

After 2 hours they led on the floor of the gym, Y/N got up and got dressed.
'Good night Captain' she saluted and walked off to her room.
Smiling he saluted back and stayed on the floor to recover before going to his own room.

'Damn' he breathed.

Y/N woke in the morning with mixed emotions. It was an outlet of emotions and she also had her own needs. There was a knock on the door with Natasha yelling breakfast.
She chucked on her fitness clothes and headed to the kitchen, Steve was already sat at the table with his usual porridge. He looked up from the newspaper and gave a cheeky smile and carried on reading.
Y/N grabbed orange juice and a banana, Yelena was cooking scrambled egg and bacon

'Smells good!' Bucky taps his belly as he walks in.

'Can you make me a plate and put it aside for me please? I am off to the gym so will eat later' asks Y/N

'Sure!' Yelena nods.

Heading to the gym, flashbacks of last night run through her head. It was nothing compared to her and Loki's sex life but it felt good none the less and Steve was willing to try and was so patient with her. Smiling she bumps into Thor in which he picks Y/N up and gives her a big hug.

'Sister! How are you keeping?' He was like a big puppy she loved him so much as a brother figure

'Thor!! Your back, how is Asgard doing? How are your parents holding up?' Y/N guilt from last night comes rushing back.

'Everything is almost back to normal, my parents are dealing with it in their own ways. I miss him, even if he tried to kill me a few times' he began to chuckle thinking of certain memories.

'It is good to see you Sparkles' she kisses his cheek to which he blushes. 

 'My mother and father would love to speak to you when you have time,they request your presence. I am not sure what about'

'Oh, well I have no current appointments or missions as far as I know. I will join, but for now I need to go punch a few bags to start my day' she winks and walks off to the gym.

'I will be here waiting, so I can take you lady Y/N' he shouts after her.

Arriving back in Asgard felt bitter sweet, she was happy to be back but not having Loki by her side didn't feel right.
Entering the throne room Thor noticed she looked upset and placed his arm around her and gave her a big squeeze.

'We are all here for you' he reassured her.

Odin and Frigga walked into the room and with open arms Frigga walked towards Y/N with a big smile.

'My darling Y/N it is so good to see you again. You are looking much better now and I sense some joy in your life again. I am so happy for you, and we have some news' Frigga then looks at Odin who carries on with the story instead of Frigga.

' Yes, we know of a stone that exists. The soul stone, you already know about the space stone. Only someone has recently taken the soul stone and we think his mission is to collect all of the stones and use them to his advantage, he will become too powerful to defeat. The name is Thanos and he is a warlord from the moon Titan, so this will not be an easy fight'

'So, how many stones are there? And what does the soul stone do?'Questioned Y/N

'There are 6 in total. The space stone as you know is blue,can travel through the universe. The reality stone is red and this can manipulate matter. The power stone bestows energy on the holder, it can be used to decimate entire planets,this is purple. The mind stone controls and manipulates peoples minds and is yellow. The time stone is green and can rewind and fast forward time ,that is with a powerful sorcerer called Stephen Strange. Then lastly the soul stone which is orange, with this stone you can manipulate and can restore souls'
Odin pauses to look at Y/N's reaction who is now staring off into the distance with her fingers twisting her engagement ring. Odin then continues,
'So, we have been told this Thanos is looking for all the stones, he wants to wipe out half the universe to balance the population, he thinks it is over populated'

'If I manage to get the soul stone, I have the power to resurrect?' Interjected Y/N

'Lady Y/N, but this is too dangerous. You heard my father he is a powerful warlord.' Thor cups her face.
'I can't loose you too' Thor closed his eyes.

'I ain't going anywhere Sparkles I promise you' she hugs him'

Frigga was moved by this display of affection by them both and held Odin's hand smiling.

'We are willing to send our Valkyrie army to you for help' said Odin, you have proven your loyalty to Asgard and for that we would like to repay you. There is no battle yet but Thanos will not stop until he has all stones and you have the space stone.' Odin seemed worried but he tried putting on a brave face.

'I will then relay this to the Avengers because by the sounds of it, we will need as much help as we can get. I will head back later today, there is just one stop I would like to make before heading back' Y/N bows and heads for the catacombs to grieve her Loki.

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