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While walking the corridors Y/N took a glimpse at Loki and she could see he was worried. The guards were holding her by the wrists pulling her along. Trying to resist she has a small struggle with a guard.

'Unhand me, I'm quite capable of walking by myself thank you' she hissed

They hesitated and looked at Thor who agreed, they let go of her wrists but kept a tight formation,Y/N then dusts herself off and gave a nasty look at the guards.

'Any attempts to escape and we will not take it lightly' grumbled the left guard. Y/N rolled her eyes and rubbed her wrists.

They walked what felt forever until they stopped at gigantic double golden doors, the carving was so intricate, They creaked open.

'You're just being stubborn!' Shouted Frigga, she turned round to see the doors opening and composed herself. Odin was staring straight at Y/N, all of a sudden she felt like what was about to happen was not going to be good. Thor went to stand not so far away from his Father,his head looking down at the floor - guilt ridden.

'Y/N!' Odin's voice boomed and echoed in the great hall,it made Loki jump.
'I have lost count on how many times I must tell both you and Loki to behave and stop with these pranks. After tonight I actually believe you are the problem to my sons behaviour..'

'Father' Loki steps forward

'Step back boy,I will deal with you later'

Like a puppy he retreats behind the guards. Y/N glances at Loki who seemed to easily back down without a fight, she suddenly felt uneasy, she has never seen Odin this angry before.

' I am sorry Odin - All Father, but Linnea was aggravating and bullying me. I simply just used self defence' Y/N was reading Odins face for any tell tale signs but he gave nothing away.

'My dear, you could of gone to Thor or myself but I can not accept how you retaliated. The father of Linnea asks that I punish you or he will go to the council and demand it. Seeing as this is not the first,second or even third time, Y/N  I have warned you numerous of times.'

Odin started to rise.

'Y/n, I promised your father I would look after you but there is a line and unfortunately you crossed it'

Y/N now started to feel the atmosphere, she felt the anger but also disappointment in his voice. Turning to look at Frigga she saw she was turning around with clenched fists, clearly not agreeing with the punishment Odin has chosen. Sighing he looked up at Y/N.

'Y/N, I am banishing you from Asgard until I say you can come back. I am sending you to earth, midgardians love mischief and causing chaos so you will fit right in'

'NO! Y/N!' Loki ran to Y/N and hugged her, with tears in his eyes he turned to his father.
'Surely that is a harsh punishment for such mischief, no one got hurt or died' Loki pleads.

'You..I sentence you to the dungeon so you can learn your lesson and behave like a man,just like your brother here'

Thor doesn't look up, a tear trickles down his face.

'This is my home' Y/N walks closer to Odin.

' You are my family, where am I supposed to go?! IT WAS SELF DEFENCE!' she sobs,

Odin then uses his hand like a swish effect to remove her Asgardian clothes and replaced them with clothes that they wear on earth, a simple t- shirt and jeans.

As she walks closer her body gives off an Aurora, she feels her power coursing through her veins again. Guards begin to lower their spears,waiting for Odin's next commands. Loki grabs her and tries to calm her down,Odin realises her uncontrollable powers are slowly becoming more active due to her emotions and quickly grabs his staff.

'Loki?' Tears are now streaming down her face.
'Promise me we will find each other again?' She looks into his eyes.

'Even if it takes me a thousand years' a lump comes into his throat but he knows he has to be strong for her.

They rest their foreheads on each other and a bright golden glow appears around her.

'I will miss you God of Mischief'

'I you,my Goddess of chaos' he traces his fingers around her jawline and wipes a tear off her cheek, looking into her eyes he saw that she was terrified and she then disappears. Loki falls forward onto his knees and screams in anger and pain, confused as to why his father has made such drastic actions.

'You are a monster!' he screamed, he edges closer to his father and debates whether to take a swipe at him, he edged closer.

'Watch your mouth son or I will extend your time in the dungeon' he signals guards and he is grabbed and ushered into the corridors again.

'Odin, enough, he has had punishment enough' Frigga tugs at Odin's arm but he ignores her. Loki took a little comfort in knowing his mother was supporting his side but unfortunately his father was too stubborn. She looks at Loki with guilt on her face and storms off angry. Thor still stands in silence, still on the same spot.

'I'm sorry' he whispers.

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