Deep Thoughts

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This time I am in gym class and everyone is playing but me. I realize that I am unable to move and I am always in a wheelchair. I just noticed this. Then all of a sudden, I start to cheer for Jake as he is playing basketball. I scream his name very loudly. Loud enough for the aliens to hear my screaming. I shocked myself while doing that because I didn't even know I could scream this loud. It seems like I have feelings for Jake from the outside, but not from the inside though. The outside me and the inside me are two different people. I just wish I could be myself. But I just end up going back to the dark room instead. It feels like hell here. 

Name: Jake Bolosqui 
Age: 17
Height: 6'1
Gender: Boy
Character's likings and dislikings: Likes playing sports. Likes helping people and goes well with children. Dislikes people who are fake.
Description of the character: Serious, Quick-tempered, Good-natured, Grumpy, and Charming 

While being here, I came up with the plan that I should pay more attention to my surroundings to find some clues. Maybe my soul is in someone else's body or I just lost my memory and this is how my life is supposed to be. But that doesn't explain this constant darkness I am experiencing. It feels like I am trapped in a book but I am not really sure because I've only seen this in movies. I need to gather some evidence. The next scene is at home. I am making a matching bracelet for Jake, I assume since my life seems to revolve around him. I work really hard on it and it turns out good actually. I am very impressed by my skills… or maybe Elle’s skills?

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