I am trapped

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During the car ride, I tried to look out of the window but I couldn't turn my head. My head was fixed towards the front so I couldn’t move around the way I wanted. Then comes the darkness again and as always I am unable to do anything. But from what I have noticed, this world doesn’t seem normal. It just doesn't feel familiar even though I am supposed to be from here, so wouldn't the roads, shops, and buildings look familiar? I feel like I am trapped in a world where everyone is controlled by someone. That's why I can't move the way I want to; because someone is controlling me. I am like a doll followed by a string to the owner, who is controlling me and keeping an eye on me. I don’t like a bit of this and I am absolutely freaked out by this. 

I am at the school garden now. The school did a really good job planting these flowers. Or maybe Elle did because the way I am watering and caring for these flowers tells me that Elle is the one who has been taking care of these flowers. Then Jake comes stomping on all the flowers that were on the ground. I look at the flowers with sadness but when I look at him I smile. I know I am surprised too with my reaction. If I could move on my own, Jake would be on the ground and I would be punching him right now for ruining my flowers. But of course, that is just my imagination.

"Why did you call me here?" Jake speaks out with direct eye contact with Elle and slight annoyance on his face can be noticed.

I start fidgeting with my fingers and then I reach for my bookbag and pull out a rectangular box. I lower my head and hand the box to Jake. He takes it and opens it. As the ribbon from the gift box falls on the ground, I smile with joy and expect Jake to wear the bracelet that I have made for him. But instead he takes it and rips the bracelet as I just watch all the beads fall.  

What a jerk. He is very different from last time when he was nice to me. I guess it was all just an act. 

Elle just keeps looking down as the beads bounce up and down on the ground.

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