What am I?

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I was thinking about something in particular. When Elle yelled that the food was hot, I did not feel anything. I stare at the mirror for some time and think to myself.

If I am actually in a book and I am aware of it, then am I the main character? I must be! That's why I have enemies and I bet Hanna is the villain. But what if Alina and Rose also betray me? Will Jake even love me? I shake my head. No, since I am the main character I will have a happy ending.

I am at home now having lunch with my family. Elle has two older brothers. The dinner table is extremely long. It seems like Elle is from a wealthy family.

It must be hard being the main character. With all the enemies and hardships, it must be exhausting. I also wonder if anyone else feels the way I feel. Is anyone else awake?

"Elle darling. How is school going?" Elle's dad asks.

"It's going well." Elle responds.

"Did you ask if Jake is attending the grand event next week?" Elle's dad asks.

"No I haven't but I am sure he will be happy to come."

"That's good to hear."

I blink once and I get transferred to a different room. I am drenched in water and I am kneeling down with my head down. What is happening?

Name: Mr. Henderson (Elle's dad)
Age: 47
Height: 5'11
Gender: Boy
Character's likings and dislikings: Likes: eating good food, dogs, nature and exploring places. Dislikes: bitter food and unloyal people.
Description of the character: Bold, Witty, Wise, Thoughtful, and A leader.

"You think you can fool me?" She scoffs. "You must think you rule the world just because you have your daddy. Let me humble you really quickly. Leon, pass me that." I look up with tears on my face.

It's Elle's mother! She takes scissors and starts cutting up a dress that was on the bed. "Please don't. Those belong to my mom." Elle pleads but she continues to cut the dresses as Elle's brothers are just watching and laughing. What the... They are such jerks. I feel bad for Elle.

Name: Mrs. Henderson (Elle's stepmother)
Age: 45
Height: 5'5
Gender: Girl
Character's likings and dislikings: Likes gossiping, jewelleries and sculptures, receiving affection and validation. Dislikes: lazy people, know-it-all type of people.
Description of the character: Hostile, Passive-aggressive, Clingy, Beautiful, and Melodramatic.

Name: Leon Henderson (Elle's stepbrother)
Age: 18
Height: 6'0
Gender: Boy
Character's likings and dislikings: Likes: ruling and controlling, being involved, winning, making money. Dislikes: waiting for things, plain food.
Description of the character: Stubborn, Active, Sneaky, Observant, and Mysterious.

Name: Dante Henderson (Elle's stepbrother)
Age: 19
Height: 5'10
Gender: Boy
Character's likings and dislikings: Likes: receiving compliments, spicy food, playing sports. Dislikes: restriction, fake people.
Description of the character: Adventurous, Argumentative, Determined, Studious, and Quick-witted.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2022 ⏰

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