Why am I like this?

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I get set free from the darkness pretty quickly this time, or I could be imagining things too. But Jake is already sitting next to me in class. Elle is playing with her pencil and she drops it a bit too far. Jake picks it up for her and she says, thank you in a cute squeaky voice. What's up with the sudden voice change? This is not my first time hearing Elle’s voice so I know that she does not sound like this for sure. The next day, in class we had to turn to the person next to us and talk about the problem. Jake calls my name and she responds, “yeah”, with that same squeaky voice. Seriously, this voice again? Does she have some type of disease? You think I'm joking? Look, there she goes again. 

Our teacher has asked Jake to help her with some books. So Elle volunteers to help take some books since there were a lot. I don't even know why she did this even knowing that it would be difficult considering her condition. She tries to act cool in front of Jake by balancing some books on her head while going through the hallways. Then while taking a turn her books fell so Jake suggested that we take a break. But Elle insisted that we go along because she is totally fine. After we reach the room, Elle lets out a big sigh from relief of exhaustion. "You should have told me that it was hard for you. I would have helped." Jake says and I can see that he is worried so she assures him that she is not tired at all. She really managed to pull it off. At least she didn't do the voice this time but every time she sees him, she does weird things. She even embarrassed herself in front of him. 

During a conversation with Jake, he brought up the fact that he really likes apple pies. So Elle had to get it for him, but the problem was that the bakery was an hour away from the school. She went to that specific place first thing when the bell rang to make it back before the period ended. The period was almost about to end so she rushed to give it to him. She calls out his name and while speeding something gets on her wheelchair and she drops the box but thankfully she didn't fall off the wheelchair. Everyone turned to her and I could hear giggles from them. Then Jake appears in front of me and helps Elle out. "Are you okay?" Jake asks. "Yeah, now that you're here." Seriously, what's wrong with the last dialogue? I am so embarrassed of myself that I can't even look at myself.  

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