New character unlocked

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I have unlocked a new character. I can't see him and I also don't know his name. If I spend some more time in this class, I will be able to find out more about everyone and how all of this happened. Just then I was transferred to the lunch room next and I don’t understand how this keeps on happening. In the normal world, I would be experiencing every second but why do I keep on skipping time? There’s so many time skips. Please, whoever is controlling me, just let me have a break. My head is already throbbing from all the things that have happened so far. As I was taking my lunch to a table, two girls came and locked arms with me. Two new characters are unlocked. I seem to be close with them. We chat and sit at a table. 

"Jake is so hot. How did you get such a good looking man to be your fiance." This man? Tsk. Tsk. How can he be... wait, come again? He is my fiance?! Elle, what were you thinking? Being engaged with this jerk is the last I wanted. 

"Share your secrets with us too." I just laughed and hoped that she would change the topic because I am in mental shock from this new information.  

"Alina, Rose. I will be right back." I use my wheelchair to go in the direction of the washroom. Alina wanted to help but I refused.  

Name: Alina Armani
Age: 17
Height: 5'3
Gender: Girl
Character's likings and dislikings: Likes: cats, drinking coffee, singing and dancing, playing guitar. Dislikes people who are obnoxiously loud.
Description of the character: Perfectionist, Arrogant, Picky, Joyful, and Enthusiastic. 

Name: Rose Ashbluff
Age: 17
Height: 5'4
Gender: Girl
Character's likings and dislikings: Likes: playing video games, roller skating, shopping. Dislikes: rude people.
Description of the character: Opinionated, Bossy, Caring, Domineering, and Argumentative. 

I am in the darkness room again so it is time to turn on my thinking cap again. A lot has happened and I wonder what happens while I am in this darkness. Is there another side of the world that I have never seen? There must be since I can't move freely and explore the world. I also assume I am in some sort of a book or movie. It sounds ridiculous and doesn't make sense because I have only seen this happen in fiction movies so it can't be real. There’s no one that I heard of ever got transferred into a book or movie or a game. And even if I am really in a book, then who is the writer? Also what kind of character do I play: main character, supporting  character, side character, villain, or maybe an extra. Regardless, I hope I’m the main character. 

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