Chapter Sixteen

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Jeff's POV

I noticed her leaning in slightly, so I leaned forward and met her lips with mine. I closed my eyes and leaned into her lips. They tasted so good, like cherries. She pulled away, and I pulled back as well. We smlied and laughed. 

"Come on, let's skate a little longer, before we get kicked off." she smiled at me.

We skated around, holding hands for the rest of our time on the ice. The cleaning crew asked us to leave, and we did. I know they have a job to do.

We walked down the tunnel, back to the dressing rooms. The guys had yet to come through and clean up our lockers so they'd be ready for tomorrow's game. We changed back into our street shoes and left. Jiri and Justin must have found another way home, because my car was still here. We jumped in and began driving to the Super Target near my house.

"Are you hungry?" I asked her.

"A little bit. Are you?"

"Yeah, practice really drained me." 

She laughed. "Well, we can either go get something to eat, then go get food for your house, or go get food and cook something at home."

"Naw, I don't think I can wait that long." I answered.

"Okay, well, where do you want to eat?"

I thought about that. Then it came to my mind.

"Do you like burgers?" I asked her.

"Of course I do. Why?"

"I know of this place that sells great -- no, amazing burgers."

"Okay, let's go there then!" she smiled.

It was a little out of the way, but Five Guys was so worth it. They had the best burgers. We pulled up out front and got out of the car.

"Oh, Five Guys! Winnipeg is getting one of these. I guess I'll know how good it is before all my friends do."

Friends. I had to bring up Andrew with her. Even though she still shows full interest in me, I still have to know her relationship with Andrew. I'm curious...and maybe just a little suspicious. I'd bring it up at the right time.

We walked inside and I was immediately recognized, which wasn't unusual. Thankfully, people didn't approach me, just looked at me, smiled or waved.

"Okay, so how does this work? Why is there like, such a small menu? It's like In n' Out Burger." Lindsay said.

"In n' Out Burger?" I asked.

"It's like, the best burger restaurant I've ever been to."

"Is it in Winnipeg?"

"No, it's in California. I went a few summers ago. My family and I are hoping to go back this summer."

"No way, that's awesome!" I smiled. "Maybe Five Guys will change your mind."

At that point, we were called up to the counter. "What can I get for you two?" the teenage boy behind the counter asked us.

I ordered first, showing Lindsay the list on possible toppings you can get on a burger.

"Can I get a bacon cheeseburger with mayo, lettuce, tomatoes, onions, ketchup, mustard, onions, jalapenos and barbecue sauce? And an order of fries and a medium Coke?"

"For sure. And what can I get for you?" he asked Lindsay.

"Umm..." she started, looking at the menu. "Could I please get a bacon burger with lettuce, tomatoes, onions, ketchup, mustard, onions and barbecue sauce? And also an order of fries and a medium Root Beer?"

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