Chapter Ten

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Jeff's POV

All I had brought was a carry on. Eric and Cam promised to take care of my gear for me. I walked into Ottawa MacDonald-Cartier International Airport and to the check-in desk. 

"Good evening sir!" said a woman that had a huge fake smile on her face.

I smiled consolingly back at her. "Hard night?"

The smile dropped from her face. "You don't even know. It's been so hectic."

"I'm really sorry to hear that."

Suddenly, a puzzled look crossed her face. "You look very familiar."

"Are you a hockey fan?" I laughed.

She smiled and pointed to a Senators pin on her WestJet vest. "Go Sens go!"

"I'm Jeff Skinner, I play for the Carolina Hurricanes."

A real smile crossed her face. "That's how I know your face! It's great to meet you! I'm not usually supposed to ask, but do you mind?" She handed me a piece of paper and a pen as I handed her my passport. "My son's a huge hockey fan."

"Oh of course! What's his name?"


Dylan. I really did like that name.

"Is he a hockey player?" I asked as I began signing.

"Yeah, he's five, still a Timbit player."

"That's fantastic!"

"Yeah, he loves it. Where are you off to tonight?"

"I'm flying to Winnipeg, I'm going to pick up this girl I just can't get off my mind."

"Oh, I'm so happy for you! Young love is the sweetest thing." She smiled.

"Thanks so much." I laughed. I took my passport back and handed her the signed paper. "Tell Dylan that I say hi and wish him luck. Have a great night."

"You as well. Thanks again Mr. Skinner, and have a great flight!"

I really hoped I brightened her day. She did look quite unhappy when I walked up. Hopefully I made her night, and can make her son a little happier the next day.

I continued my walk to the security counters, where I had my carry on checked and went through the full body x-ray.

Once through security, I immediately went to the Tim Horton's. That's one thing I miss about not living in Canada. I really miss Tim Horton's. Everything there was better than anything we have in Raleigh. I ordered a double chocolate donut and an Ice Cappuccino. They're delicious. I know I probably shouldn't be having that, but whatever, it wouldn't kill me.

About twenty minutes later, I was able to board my flight to Winnipeg. Three hours. Three long hours until I was in the same city as her. My heart was beating out of my chest. I must have had a crazy look on my face or something, because a stewardess came to my seat and asked if I was okay. I told her that I was, just excited to get to Winnipeg.

A boy, who looked to be about 10 years old, must have overheard what I had said and turned around in the seat in front of me, then facing me.

"Why are you excited to go to Winnipeg? There's nothing exciting there, it's such a boring city!"

"Well, there's a girl there that I really like, and I'm really excited to see her." I replied.

He kept looking at me with a look of distaste and said, "Gross." then slowly turned around in his seat and sat down.

I smiled and shook my head. Boys will be boys, I guess.

I never had a problem with girls. Growing up with four sisters probably helped that. I always had friends that were boys and girls. I never thought they had cooties or anything like that, they were always cool to me.

I guess the only problem I had with girls was dating. When I became old enough to date, I had begun moving around for hockey, and never really had time for much else than eating, sleeping and playing hockey. I guess that's what my life really consists of now too; eating, sleeping, travelling and playing hockey. I don't get a huge break anymore, which is a bit of a problem. But a lot of NHL players have families and wives, so it's completely possible. I guess I've just got to find the right girl.

I fell asleep for a little while somewhere just east of Lake Nipigon. I woke up as we began to descend. My ears popping really did that for me. I couldn't believe I was almost there. I couldn't wait.

The plane touched down and I immediately pulled my phone out. I know you're supposed to wait until you're off the plane, but everyone breaks rules sometimes. I turned my phone on and texted Lindsay.

"Just touched down in Winnipeg. When did you want me to come get you?"

I put my phone back in my pocket, because we were finally allowed off the plane. And being in the third row, I was one of the first people off. I grabbed my carry-on and began to walk down the hall to the main building of the James Richardson International Airport. I pulled my phone out again to a text from Lindsay.

"Now. My parents want to meet you before we leave."

What?! Her parents want to meet me?

I knew this was bound to happen, but I wasn't prepared for it whatsoever, mentally or physically. I wasn't dressed all that nice and I probably still smelled a little and I was scared out of my wits about meeting her parents. But I knew I had to if I wanted to take Lindsay.

"Okay, what's your address?" I texted back.

She responded with her address as I walked to the front doors of the airport. I jumped in a taxi, told him Lindsay's address and we began to drive.

I texted Lindsay, "Okay, on my way there right now." She responded with, "I can't wait :)".

I was feeling so many emotions, I didn't know how to express them all. I was excited, nervous, happy, tired, scared, all in one. I knew I had to keep myself calm and composed. I was going to see Lindsay in about 10 minutes, that's all I had to think about. I was going to see her again.

I couldn't believe it.

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