I Want to Marry You Someday

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I did this one fast but I have some news at the end...

Y/n Y/l/n

Eddie took me into the forest for a picnic. Normally when we go into the woods we smoke, this time wasn't any different. Eddie and I passed the joint between our parted lips waiting for the substance to kick at our minds.

When Eddie and I are high we say the dumbest shit that we don't even mean.

"Y/n" Eddie stops thinking on what to say next "have I ever told you that you're the most perfect person in the world" he rambles, his words becoming slurred. "Yes Eddie I say that like every morning when we wake up" my eyes begin to roll.

Eddie Munson was definitely high.

Not me. At least not yet.

Again he becomes focused on the joint, handing the almost burnt out tube to you. "Well, what can I say. You're so beautiful" he brushes my hair behind my ear. He makes me blush. He presses a soft kiss to my cheek and lays back onto the blanket We we're sitting on.

"Eddie" I pause laying back too "you're too kind" I blush, my face feels hot and flushed. "Have I ever said now lucking i am to have you with me, right by my side everywhere" he explains.

"Eddie, you mean so much to me, I couldn't live without you" I ramble as the drugs start to kick in. "Eddie, we're fucking crazy" I say "and why is that, doll" he always calls me doll. "Because we are high in the middle of the woods and you probably forgot where the van is" I start laughing.

He laughs too.

"Your laugh is so cute" he grins "so is your smile" he adds. "Eddie, we've lost our minds" we giggle "just one more amazing thing we've done together" he says.

We lie their in silence for a minute that seems to be a thousand years. I stare up at the stars through a clearing in the trees. I can feel eyes on me.

"What Eds" I laugh "I'm just admiring you" he says his words slurred and awe filled tone. I continue to make out the constellations in the stars while Eddie stares at me.

"Eddie, it's so cold out" I say my words beginning to slur "wanna go home" he asks "no-" I whine "here's my jacket then" he takes off the leather jacket and wraps mr in it. I cuddle next to him.

Together we listen to the sounds of nature letting the moonlight illuminate our faces. I rest my head on Eddie's chest. Listening to him hum a song.

I shut my eyes and relax against him.

"Y/n" Eddie calls. My eyes flash open. "I think. No, I know that one day I will marry you and we will live the happiest life together" he pauses "maybe we can even have kind or something, like adult stuff like that" he continues "we can buy a house, and we can be happy together forever" he concludes.

I think he meant this one!

"Eddie, I'd love that" I press my face into his chest. "I love you so much Eddie Munson" I say "I love you too Y/n Munson" he kisses your forehead.

Okay so the news is I'll be coming out with a new book!!! So updates on this book might slow down a bit.
Thank you all!!
I hope you enjoyed this one!!

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