Movie Date

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A longer one!!!

*you and Eddie have been dating for around 4 months*

Y/n Y/l/n

It was study hall period which is the last period before we get to go home. As usual I was helping Eddie with math homework. We always sit in the corner of the room on the floor. He is better focussed when he is comfortable. Eddie and I were almost done when he starts talking "y/n I was wondering if you wanted to watch a movie with me tonight" he pauses " if you're to busy that's okay" he reassures me "Eddie, id love to, I will always make time for you" I say. He wraps his arms around me to give me a hug. I continue to help him with his homework.

When we finish I help him pack it away and by that time the bell rings. We both go to our lockers which are conveniently on the same hall. We put our books away and meet by the pillars at the front of the school.

"Hello princess" he grabs my waist. "Hi eds" I say before he kisses me. He grabs my hand and walks me to his van. He opens the passenger side door for me. "M'lady" he breathes. He holds his hand out for me in case I need it. He makes sure I'm situated in my seat before closing the door. He runs around to the driver side and hops in.

"Is your seatbelt on" he asks "mhm" I hum my response.

"Pick a cassette" he says "oh- hm" I shuffle through the glovebox, it has miscellaneous cassettes in there. I pull out one that looks interesting.

Black Sabbath.

"Good choice" he smiles before placing the cassette into the player. He turns the radio down so we can hear each other.

"What movie did you have in mind" I ask, it takes a moment for Eddie to respond. "Well I don't know" he pauses "which is why we are going to family video" he says before taking a sharp turn out of the school parking lot. "Awesome, we get to see Steve and Robin" I say smiling at him. "Yeah, I figured you would wanna see them" he smiles back.

He pulls into the parking lot. He jumps out of the van just barely after he puts the vehicle in park. He runs around to the passenger side and opens the door for me, he lends a hand if I need it. He holds my hand as we walk into the building the doorbell chiming as we walk in.

"Hi Robin" I say as we walk in "Y/n" she's excited "how have you been" she asks "I've been good" I run up to give her a hug. Steve enters the main room and sees Eddie and I. "What's up guys" Steve says placing a movie back into the shelf. When Robin let's go of me I turn to Steve. "Eddie, how's it going" Steve smiles "really good actually thanks for asking, man" Eddie smiles.

"What are you guys looking for today" Steve asks. "We actually don't know yet" Eddie says as I start heading towards them. "Umm- so we have romance, comedy and probably your favorite genre horror" Steve says to the both of us. "Sweetheart, can we please get a scary movie, I promise it'll be fun" he begs "fine Ed's" I smile. Eddie begins browsing through the horror movie choices. He pick one up and walks over to me. He hands me the case off the VHS tape for Maximum Overdrive. He has a huge boyish grin on his face, how could I say no. Eddie and I walk over to Robin at the counter.

"12 buck please" Robin says. I hand her a twenty dollar bill. She gives me my change and Eddie takes me back to his tailer.

We get inside and he runs to his bedroom. He grabs a shirt for me to wear. "Come in here" he says. I enter his bedroom. He hands me a Metallica shirt to wear. "This'll be more comfy" he pauses "you change, ill wait in the living room" he smiles before closing the door. I change into the shirt. I fold my shirt, bra and pants up and place them onto his bed for when I go home. I exit the room wearing just the shirt and underwear. I sit on the sofa next to Eddie.

"So I found every blanket in the house" he laughs "we can make a fort" he beams with excitement "yes me absolutely need to make a blanket fort" I say before grabbing a armful of blankets and begin to drape them over the sofa. Eddie does the same. Soon Eddie and I are able to crawl into our fort. He places the VHS into the player and climbs in next to me.

I curl up on the opposite side of the couch and wrap myself in a blanket. I lay your head on a pillow and extend my legs to where my feet are in Eddie's lap, resting in his thigh.

About twenty minutes into the movie Eddie stands up. "Where are you going" I ask "to make popcorn. I'll be back in a minute love don't worry" he says his tone is comforting.

He throws a bag int  ok the microwave and waists for the popping to stop. He opens the microwave and places his hand on the bag. "Ouch, fuck that's hot" he pulls his hand away. Eventually he gets the bag out of the machine and pours it into a bowl.

He brings the bowl back to the sofa. He sits. I curl up next to him and admire how he throws the popcorn up in the air and catches it in his mouth. It keeps me distracted from the gore filled movie.

I wrap my arm around him and pull myself closer. Sometimes I jump a little at the scary parts. Eddie just laughs a bit pulls me even closer and reassures me that it's not real. Eventually I end up straddling his lap. Facing him. I bury my head into his chest and fall asleep.

When Eddie realizes I'm asleep there's about 35 minutes left of the movie. He adjusts the blanket so I'm covered. He then places his hand on my lower back and the other on the back of my neck over my hair. He kisses the top of my head gently and says.

"Sleep well my love"

When I wake up the next morning I am in his bed. Next to him. He carried me in here after the movie was over. How sweet!

"Good morning, sweetheart" he smiles at me.

"Good morning Ed's" I hug him tight.

Okay!! I finally did a long one!! I hope you enjoyed this one!

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