XXIX: Is this...Paris?

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The three of us tried to pilot the Tardis, mostly just Rose and I doing what we were told as we had no clue what we were doing. "Is it just me or does this feel a bit too shaky...?" I questioned them as the Tardis shook.

"Hold that one down." The Doctor ordered Rose, quickly motioning towards a lever Rose already had down.

"I'm holding this one down...!" Rose told him.

"Well, hold them both down." The Doctor told her.

"It's not gonna work." Rose told him.

"Oi! I promised you a Time Machine, and that's what you get." The Doctor told her before he spoke to me. "Emily, now."

I flicked some switches and pressed some buttons, never anymore than what he had initially told me to do. I was literally just following his directions.

"Now, we've seen the future, let's have a look at the past." The Doctor told us.

"Where...?" I asked him.

"Someone wanted to got to Paris...how's 1860, Paris...." The Doctor told us. "How does 1860 sound...?"

"But the Eiffel Tower wasn't built until 1889." I told him.

"There's more to Paris than the Eiffel Tower." The Doctor responded. "There's the food, the people, and plenty of activities we could do."

"What happened in 1860...?" Rose asked him, quite curiously.

"I don't know, let's find out!" The Doctor told us. Hold on, here we go!" He then flicked another lever. The Tardis shook some more and we all landed on the floor before it settled back down. I landed right on the Doctor while Rose laid just beside us.

"Blimey...!" Rose stated, laughing, before she tried to get up.

I stood up before I helped the Doctor up. I couldn't help but to stifle a laugh as well. Even the Doctor had to try and contain his laughter.

"You're telling me!" The Doctor stated as he got up. "You two alright...?"

"I should be asking you that." I told him. "I landed right on you."

"And I'm fine." The Doctor told me. "Although...you could've done with not eating so much ice cream for breakfast." He jested, which earned him another elbow smack from me. "Ow...hey...but how's your hand...?"

"Sore, I landed on it...a little." I told him. "And I'm pretty sure you ate just as much ice cream as I did."

"Sure...keep telling yourself that." The Doctor told me. "Rose, how are you...?"

"Good, I think." Rose told us. "Nothing broken...would I know if something were broken...?"

"Typically there'd be an intense pain." The Doctor told her. "But some people can't even tell that they broke a bone."

"I hope I'm not one of them." Rose replied.

The Doctor looked at the monitor on the console before Rose and I crowded around him. "Did we make it? Where are we?" Rose seemed to ask.

"I made it, give the man a medal." The Doctor told us. "Earth, Paris, December 24th, 1860."

"That's so weird." Rose commented. "It's Christmas."

"All yours." The Doctor then motioned towards the outside.

"But it's like...think about it though." Rose told us. "Christmas, 1860, happens once, just once, and then it's gone, it's finished. It'll never happen again. Except for you."

"Cause we've got a Time Machine...?" I asked Rose.

"Exactly, we can go back and see days that are dead and gone." Rose told us. "A hundred thousand sunsets ago." She turned back to the Doctor. "No wonder you never stay still."

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