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The students of UA have just finished the sports festival and are now on their way to improve their quirks at the headquarters of the WWP.

"Ok everyone out," said Aizawa as he opened the door and everyone got off the bus "Where are the restrooms" Mineta asked Aizawa as he tried not to urinate himself. "Wait so we are training with class 1-b," said Momo "Yes we are having a joint training with both classes involved," said Aizawa. Just then the WWP appeared and did their signature pose.

"Wow it's the pro hero team Wild Pussycats" Uraraka yelled with star eyes

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"Wow it's the pro hero team Wild Pussycats" Uraraka yelled with star eyes." The wild pussycats are the best rescue team out there due to their teamwork today makes it their twelfth year-" "I think you got your math wrong I am eighteen at heart" said Pixie Bob as she grabbed Izumi's face. "Yes ma'am," said Izumi in a muffled voice. "That's just sad," thought Tetsutetsu and Kirishima.

"Alright let's get down to business," Mandalay said as she pointed at the camp location "You all are going to run the rest of the way there," said Mandalay "That far are you serious" Denki and Mineta yelled "You are all training to be heroes so this is just extra training for that" pixie bob said with a smile as she placed her hands on the floor "I just hope you survive the fall." "Fall?"Everyone thought "EVERYONE TO THE BUS HURRY BEFORE IT IS TO LATE" Kirishima and Sero yelled as the ground split apart into the cliff making them fall.

"By the way those who don't get there by 12:30 won't get any lunch," said Mandalay as she looked over the edge. "Oh but don't worry you got 3 full hours to make it to the facility by then if you can get through the beast forest and since this is private land you can use your quirks good luck," said Mandalay.

"The beast forest that sounds like a name in a video game," said Sero "Come on let us not delay, or else we won't get any food class 1-a and b let go," said Iida as everyone cheered and marched forward.

As for Mineta, he ran to find a secluded place to release himself unfortunately he ran into an earth golem and wet himself.

As it raised its claw to attack Mineta, shoto launched ice at the golem freezing it in place then Izumi activated full cowling and punched the golem as it smashed to pieces

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As it raised its claw to attack Mineta, shoto launched ice at the golem freezing it in place then Izumi activated full cowling and punched the golem as it smashed to pieces. Just then an earth golem appeared behind Shoto and was about to attack but a huge wave of fire struck the golem as it collided with a tree breaking it to pieces. "Thanks, shota," said Shoto to his twin sister as she nodded.

Then more earth golems started to appear bakugo and his twin sister Katsumi were blasting the golems to Smithereens "DIE" yelled bakugo twins as they blew away one of the earth golems' heads. Soon the rest of the students were engaging the rest of the golem.

"Where did these things come from" asked Mina as she threw acid at a golem's feet which melted rendering it unable to move. "It's probably pixie bobs doing her quirk allowed her to manipulate the earth for a variety of effects," said Izumi as she dodged an attack by the earth golem.

"Take this," said Kendo as she enlarged her fist and hit its face destroying the head as it fell to the ground "Come let's get going," said Momo as the class started running to the facility as fast as they could while fighting pixie bobs earth monsters

Meanwhile somewhere in the forest

"Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh" yelled a buff teenager with a black wolf mask as just finished destroying an earth golem "WHO DARE ENTER TERRITORY WHEN ME FIND THEM ME RIP THEM TO SHREDS" yelled the teen as he got in a stance as he takes in oxygen as he did this the sound of a wolf howling could be heard.

(17 to 20 seconds)

"Wolf breathing first form sense," said the teen as he closed his eyes and felt everything around from the birds in the trees to the ants on the ground marching that is when he found the intruders which were finishing off the last earth golem and headed towards a weird looking structure.

"Found you intruders pack come we chase," said the teen as he ran in the direction of the intruders as a black and white wolf were running beside him.

Back with the UA students

"Is everyone alright?" asked Kendo as the students nodded "We are lucky that we are all in a group otherwise we would be having trouble even moving from overusing our quirks?" said Iida "Haha even the might class 1-a couldn't even handle this by themselves and needed assistance from us which only shows that class 1-b is superior?" said monoma as he was hiding behind a tree.

"You were just hiding behind the trees while we were fighting the earth golems wait till Mr. Aizawa finds out he is going make you suffer," said Kendo with a smile as Monoma's face went pale.

"Hey I see light up ahead," said Momo as they headed towards the light and reached the facility where Aizawa WWP and Vlad King were waiting "Looks like you all made it in one piece," said Aizawa.

Just then an earth golem appeared behind them "Don't worry I got this" said Pixie Bob as she was about to get rid of it but it exploded into pieces "What was that" asked Ochako.

"You no be here this mine territory," said the teen as his wolves were snarling at them "Is he part of the training" asked sero as everyone looked at him "what you never know," said sero.

"You are under arrest for trespassing on private property lower your weapons and surrender quietly," said Mandalay as they all got ready to attack the masked teen "It's best to do it you are surrounded," said Vlad King only for the teen to point his swords at them "me no care how many you are me crush you," said the teen as he charged at them with his wolves.

(Hopefully, you guys enjoyed this chapter it took me a while because of work and writing for my other story anyway see ya)

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