A fierce battle

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Izuku then quickly grabbed his swords and so did Inosuke as they knew there was trouble as they rushed to where they heard the howl.


"WATCH OUT" yelled Tanjiro as he and the others moved out of the way as a bunch of pink flower-patterned obi came crashing down on the ground causing a lot of damage "Haha it's so much fun when my prey is scurrying like rats," said a woman on top of a tree.

"WATCH OUT" yelled Tanjiro as he and the others moved out of the way as a bunch of pink flower-patterned obi came crashing down on the ground causing a lot of damage "Haha it's so much fun when my prey is scurrying like rats," said a woman on top ...

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Tanjiro, nezuko, and Zenitsu were trying their best to protect them from the belts but it was difficult with so many people around them "How is Daki even here didn't she die" thought Tanjiro as he dodged another belt attack. "What if she's here then that means we are all in danger," thought Tanjiro as Setsuna, Towa, and Moroha were above Daki ready to attack Daki only smiled "Nice try but it won't work on me," said Daki as the belt came flying at them and they barely managed to block the attack as it sent them flying back and crash into some trees.

That is when Daki saw Nezuko helping Izumi to her feet and sent a couple of belts at them they couldn't react in time as the belts were above them ready to split them into pieces as the others couldn't get near them as they were helping the other students as Nekuko and Izumi closed their eyes waiting for the attack. "Wolf breathing fifth form a crescent moon," said Izuku as the attack slashed the belt before it touched Izumi as he was standing in front of them. "Oh look more prey if you think you can act all high and mighty just because you cut my belt then think again," said Daki as she launched multiple belts at Izuku.

Only for her belts to be cut into ribbons "Pack make others leave they in the way" said Izuku as Inosuke showed up "What the how is that crazy demon here and how is she not dead" Inosuke "We don't have time for that now we have to help him," said Tanjiro "I don't we need to do anything he's strong even when we fought I could tell he was holding back I think he might be strong then that god of festivals," said Inosuke as this surprised Tanjiro.

The Shadow Wolf was taking everyone away from the fight as the Light Wolf was healing the injured. Tanjiro wanted to stay so he could help izuku but it was no use as he was in the shadows. Izuku and Daki were the only ones left "You going to regret sending them away now you have to fight me all alone" said Daki as Izuku lifted his sword and pointed at her "Stop talking me want the fight" said Izuku as he squatted down "Wolf breathing third form pounce" said izuku as he then launched at her at high speed as she barely managed to dodge his attack as she felt something wet on her cheek and put her hand on it and saw it was her blood.

"You're going to pay for that you little shit" yelled Daki as she launched her belts at Izuku simply cut the belts and tried to get closer to Daki who tried to attack Izuku from behind but it failed as Izuku dodged the attack.

UA students

Izumi and the others were back at the WWP headquarters and the teachers went to see if they were ok. "Who are you" asked Aizawa as he saw Tanjiro and the other demon slayers. "It ok uncle they helped us, right now izuku is fighting a demon," said Izumi as heard a huge explosion in the distance Tanjiro tried to get back only for the wolves to stop him. "Where are you going," asked Midnight "I need to help him that demon is not like anything you guys have seen we fought her so we know how to defeat her, please let me through," said Tanjiro "Let him pass," said Izumi as the wolves let him pass as he thanked Izumi as he, zeniths, Inosuke and Nezuko went to get help Izuku. Unknown to everyone tonight was a full moon and that would see something they never forget.

Back with Izuku

Daki was jumping from tree branch to tree branch trying to get in a good position to attack Izuku but he was right behind her as she jumped and he sliced off her legs and crashed to the ground as she regenerated her legs and rolled out of the way as izuku tried stabbing her from above. Who is this guy he's slashing my belts as if they were paper even when they are loose not only that he's faster than me," thought Daki as Izuku was getting closer to her "Get away from me" yelled Daki as multiple belts lunged at Izuku from every angle "Wolf breathing second form wolf frenzy" said izuku as he cut the belts to shreds shocking daki as he closed the distance between them "let's see if you can handle this blood demon art Eight-Layered Obi Slash" said Daki as multiple belts were above Izuku ready to slice him into pieces.

"Wolf breathing sixth form full moon," said Izuku as he spun his sword cutting the belts, and got close to Daki he was in front of her for a second then he disappeared and looked back and saw his back turned to her as he exhaled. "This is my chance," said Daki as she tried to attack him only for her to see everything was upside down "Wait what going on why is everything upside and why won't my body move," thought Daki as she hit the ground and that is when she realized that izuku not only sliced her head off he also sliced off her arms, legs, and torso.

Just then izuku heard footsteps approaching and saw it was Tanjiro and the other two "You late me finished" said Izuku as he pointed behind him. "Quickly get out of there," said Tanjiro as Izuku was confused "W-why me why does this always happen to me" said Daki as Izuku looked the her in shock as she was still alive. "I can't beat him please Help me, help me, brother," said Daki as Izuku saw something coming out of her body he instantly closed the gap and tried to attack it but soon they vanished.

"Ah it's ok I'm here now," said a new voice as Izuku turned his head back and saw a guy with green hair who smelled like the female demon and he could tell he was stronger than her. Izuku then saw that the female demon was whole again as the male demon looked at Izuku with anger in his eyes. "You are going to pay for what you did to my sister," said the male demon as Izuku growled at him his eyes glowed a bit "Me rip you to shreds," said Izuku as the night was getting closer to the full moon.

Hope you guys liked the chapter

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