One vs many

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"You are under arrest for trespassing on private property lower your weapons and surrender quietly," said Mandalay as they all got ready to attack the masked teen "It's best to do it you are surrounded," said Vlad King only for the teen to point his swords at them "me no care how many you are me crush you," said the teen as he charged at them with his wolves.


"Look out," said Aizawa as he dodged the black wolf running at him while the white wolf charged at Vlad king who tried to encase the wolf in hardened blood. Meanwhile, the students were facing the buff teen "Alright we need the plan to take that guy out" said Kendo but Kirishima and Tetsutestu charged at the teen "You are going down" said Kirishima and Tetsutestu as they both activated their quirks all of a sudden they hear a wolf howl coming from the teen "wolf breathing sixth form full moon" said the teen as he thrust forward while spinning his sword as he was behind them they landed on the ground.

They then looked at each other and noticed that their clothes were a bit cut "Ha look like you can't blah" Kirashima tried to say but blood soon started to gush out like a sprinkler from where he cut them. "Ha, there's nothing me can't cut," said the teen as he cut a pillar of ice that was headed toward him. "Damn his instincts are sharp," said Todoroki.

"DIE" shouted the bakugo twins as they sent an explosion at him "Wolf breathing second form wolf frenzy," said the teen as he swung his swords in all directions encasing himself in a dome as the explosions never hit him he then ran towards the twins slashing each explosion they send at him. He was now in front of them and brought down his swords and slashed them but a long tongue wrapped around his and swung him into a tree.

"We had that cover you extra," said bakugo "You welcome Ribbit," said Tsuyu. "Quickly surround him while he is down," said Iida as they went to where he crashed they saw him get up like it was nothing "Quickly before he can attack if you can restrain his movement use your quirk," said Iida as Mineta through his balls, Ibara used her vines, and the todoroki twins used their ice and Ochako used her quirk and through boulders, at him, all the range attack looked like they were going to hit him they heard a howl "wolf breathing second form wolf frenzy," said the teen as all the attacks were torn to shreds.

"No way who is this guy," said Sero then as the teen was about to attack they all heard a yelp the teen turned around and saw his wolves encased in blood unable to move. Sero taking the opportunity used his quirk and got ahold of the sword the teen was using "I got his sword" said Sero as yosetsu grabbed the swords and used his quirk to wield them to a tree.

"Hahahaha you see that you can't do anything without your sword can you prepare to lose hahaha," said Monoma as he was behind a tree. Just then the teen ran toward Monoma and grabbed him by his face and slammed him into the ground.

"Weak ass bitch" said the teen as he looked at the remaining student and then cracked his knuckles "Bring it," said the teen as he motioned them forward they then charged at the teen who smiled and grabbed a decent size branch "Wait don't charge at him," said Aizawa but it was to late "wolf breathing fourth form howl," said the teen as he hit the ground and dust clouded their vision.

Soon the students were being taken out "screw this" said bakugo, as he used his quirk to disperse the dust once he did only seven, were left which were himself, his sister, Izumi, Aizawa,
Mandalay, Vlad King, and Pixie Bob "What the heck just happened," said Aizawa as he looked around and saw most of the students unconscious.

"Me getting bored you no strong enough," said the teen as both bakugos were pissed by his comment they both charged at him "Wait you, idiots," said Aizawa as he used his quirk on the teen hoping to stop him but to his surprise, it did nothing as the bakugos were in front of the teen roundhouse kicked bakugo in the face while punching Katsumi in the stomach sending them both flying and onto the floor as they groaned in pain.

"Vlad King, Pixie Bob try to limit his movements," said Aizawa as Vlad King shot hardened blood at him pixie bob was making the ground soft so the teen couldn't move as he liked to "Red guy annoying me beat his no problem but blue cat making ground squishy and dry eye waiting for the chance to strike if only me had sword or pack to help," thought the teen as he barley evaded another one of bloodvlad attacks.

That is when he notices something "Wait where red cat" thought the teen as he looked to see where she was he then saw a bit of red on a tree. "Me found you," said the teen as made his way towards the tree she was at "crap he found out," said Aizawa as he was chasing after him.

The teen then climbed up the tree and saw but once he saw he couldn't help but admire how pretty she looked he then shook his "Where did that come from" asked the teen as Mandalay looked at him confused. Just then he was wrapped in some sort of cloth and pulled down from the tree.

Aizawa then sent him to Vlad King "Do it," said Aizawa as Vlad King sent his blood towards him. Which worked as the teen was now encased in hardened blood. "Rrrraaaaaaaahhhhh let me go" yelled the teen as he tried to escape the hardened blood "Finally we caught him," said Aizawa as Izumi went towards the teen feeling some sort of connection with him she then removed his mask as he tried to bite her.

Once the mask was off she and Aizawa were surprised to see how it was "Uncle call mom" said Izumi as Aizawa got his phone out and called someone "Hello shouta why are calling" asked a voice of a woman. "Inko we found him," said Aizawa "Wait found how Aizawa," asked Inko "We found Izuku," said Aizawa.

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