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Inko then hugged Izuku as she stopped singing the lullaby as izuku felt only one thing at that moment he felt warm and loved he couldn't explain it but he just felt it. Soon izuku started to hug her back as he was crying even harder now and felt his consciousness fade. "Mama," said Izuku as that was the only word that left his mouth as he fainted.


After the battle with Izuku, everyone woke up and we were surprised by what they saw and nezu explained the whole situation to them to their surprise soon they moved Izuku to a more secure room but saw that he had a firm grip on Inko and wouldn't let go so they decided it would be best if she stayed with him and would bring her food when needed. As for the wolves they were placed in cages with quirk-canceling technology inside and quirk-canceling cuffs just to be safe.

"Sir what do we do in this situation," asked Aizawa "For now we wait until Izuku wakes up luckily inko is there and can calm him down for now let us focus on the others who are here," said Nezu as they went into a room where Setsuna, Towa, and moroha were confined in. "Alright ladies my name is Nezu this is Aizawa we have a lot of questions for you," said Nezu as they sat down in front of them "First thing first who are you," asked Nezu "You wouldn't believe us if we told you," said towa "try me," said nezu.

"We are demon hunters," said Moroha "your right I don't believe you," said Aizawa "Now what a minute Aizawa there may be some truth to this," said Nezu "You can be serious Nezu," said Aizawa "oh but I am," said Nezu as he pointed at Setsuna "the wound she received from izuku is completely healed and the way she fought is not normal as well," said nezu as just stood there as he could not argue with him. "Alright then demon hunters next question is why did you attack Izuku he is a human, not a demon," said Nezu.

"Well nezu me and my sister are half demons while Moroha is a quarter demon and we can sense other demons we felt a demon arua around Izuku as for why we attacked him we thought that you were in danger and decided to help," said towa. "I see well then that is enough for our question for today but now let's talk about another topic," said Nezu "What would that be" asked Setsuna "You see even though you helped us, the three of you tress passed on private property which is only for UA students," said nezu as the three of them knew that they were in trouble.

"There are two options in front of you one we take you to jail and two you three join UA given your abilities you will be welcomed so what do you say," said Nezu as the three of them were contemplating on what to do as they looked at each other and nodded. "Alright nezu we will join UA," said Towa as Nezu smiled "That is good to hear well then Aizawa they will be in your care," said Nezu as Aizawa just sighed.

They all soon left the room and Nezu notified them of their new classmates and got them uniforms for when they went back to the school. "Alright as you all know as of right now these three will be attending UA from now on and I expect everyone to behave properly especially you Mineta," said Aizawa as looked at Mineta and he was sweating bullets. "Y-yes sir," said Mineta as he was scared.

Soon it was time for lunch as everyone was eating and that is Izumi got a plate of food to take to her mother she made her way to the room where she was keeping an eye out for Izuku and entered "Hey Mom brought you food" said Izumi as she saw inko sitting on a chair next to izuku who was still out cold. "thank you sweety" said Inko as Izumi placed the food on a table next to them "Still no luck," asked Izumi "I'm afraid not but I do hope he wakes up soon," said Inko as the smell of food entered Izuku's nose and he stably opened his eyes and stood up. "Me hungry I want food" yelled Izuku as he looked to where he smelled the food only to see Izumi and Inko smiling at him with tears in their eyes as they instantly hugged him.

Izumi was surprised by this but that is when his memory of his childhood returned to him. "I'm so glad that you woke Izuku you had me worried," said Inko as Izumi left to go tell Nezu and the others the news "You must be hungry here," said Inko as Izuku smelled the food in front of him, and ate it like a savage which inko then rolled up a magazine she was reading and hit izuku in the back of the head with it "izuku that is no way to eat your food," said inko as Aizawa, midnight and nezu who was on Aizawas shoulder soon walked through the door and saw what was happening "inko he has been living alone in the wild for quite some time so it is a given that he eats like that," said nezu as Izuku continued to eat the food.

When Izuku was done eating he looked at Nezu "Where is pack" asked Izuku "Don't worry they are safe we put them where they wouldn't cause trouble" said Nezu "Well then since you are awake we can get down to business inko I believe it beneficial if izuku went to UA so that he can have a proper education and since we are here at the training camp we can observe him and see what steps to take" said Nezu as inko was thinking about it "alright I agree but what about you izuku" asked Inko "me no understanding but me trust mama so me do it and me want pack with me" said izuku as Nezu smile "Alright then we will start the training tomorrow" said nezu as they left.

Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter

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