DYLAN L.┊stray

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┊f!reader, [dylan lenivy]: platonic┊wc. 713┊req. ✓┊note: honestly im so tired i wanna sleep but i had to get one done before sleeping. plot holes here we come 🙄🙄🫶┊

"go, go to a different cabin!" kaitlyn rushed you, abi, and nick. you heard the announcement from dylan and ryan that you needed to move immediately. your scurrying footsteps went from one cabin to another, rushing into it.

you waited around for awhile, soon hearing a screeching sound. "look, i think it's leaving!" kaitlyn said, looking out the window of the cabin. the werewolf was running away from the cabin dylan and ryan subsided.

"let's go check on them." kaitlyn pulled the door open to the cabin, seeing the boys. "is it safe?" kaitlyn asked ryan. "i think we're okay for now..." ryan stated, all of you gathering as a group.

"dylan, are you okay?" you whispered, blood dripping from his arm. "i was uhh... i- bit.. was. don't- don't come near me. it's too risky." dylan whispered back, rushing to get ahead of everyone to distance himself.

"what's wrong with him?" ryan huffed, eyeing your brother. "oh my god dylan!" kaitlyn shouted, looking down at his bite. dylan's hand flinched and he brought it up to his chest where no one could see it.

"i'm fine. th-there was just nothing to chop it off with..." dylan muttered. "maybe we should hurry, so we can get something to.. help dylan." abi suggested, only wanted the best for your brother.

you quickly sped up and put your hand on his shoulder. "hey, you'll be fine dylan." you sighed, looking at him. it hadn't been long but the effects were strong already, worrying you.

he shrugged your hand off his shoulder. "just give me a minute.. to myself." dylan glanced at your for a split second before quickly speeding up.

it would be awhile down the path before you'd see him again. you spotted him next to your desired location, crouching down. it seemed as if he was fighting something off, huffs and groans coming from him.

"dylan- dylan! what's wrong?" you wildly shouted. "oh my god.." ryan mumbled. "dylan... shit." kaitlyn whispered. you pulled your feet no matter how hard you wanted to run the opposite way.

you ran towards dylan, crouching beside him to see what was going on. "dylan?" you wanted an answer, no, you needed one. the only response you got was dylan looking at you with the eyes of the werewolves you'd seen before.

soon, his limbs started turning into one of the werewolves. you backed up and ran to someone to latch onto. "holy fuck, shit!" ryan screamed, extending his arms to keep you guys safe.

once dylan had finished his horrid transformation, limbs turning one by one, but his clothes still in tact. clothes that reminded you of earlier, when everything was normal. dylan looked back at you and screeched than ran off into the woods.

the five of you ran to the pool house to see what the gunshot was that you had heard. the rest of the night went.. terribly, as expected. you could only hope dylan and the rest of your friends were alive.

you and abi stuck together for the rest of the night and bonded over your lost, close friends. you still stood up and defended your friends, the best you could before leaving this place. dawn had finally come, you begged that you'd find dylan safe. soon enough the car had arrived with the counselors that weren't seen but dylan was there as well.

"dylan, you're safe!" you saw your brother who had seemed out of it completely. you quickly opened the door to the car and hugged him. dylan snapped out of it immediately, "y/n, fuck, you're safe.. hi." dylan wrapped his arms around you. it felt like you hadn't seen each other in a lifetime.

"yeah, you reunited finally. get in the car already!" kaitlyn shoved you in. "calm down now; they're all gone.. i think." dylan gently patted kaitlyn's shoulder. you laughed, "you think?" ryan sighed. "i mean.. you never know." dylan shrugged ryan's response off but he couldn't help it. dylan smiled, happy to be alive and happy for his sister and his friends to be alive.

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