DYLAN L.┊maybe

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┊f!reader, [dylan lenivy]┊wc. 556┊req. ✓┊

"dylan. truth or dare?" kaitlyn stared him down. all counselors sat inside the cabin, chairs gathered in a circle. you sat next to ryan, him to your left, emma to your right. you personally couldn't care who you sat next to, as long as you weren't too involved in this game.

"dare. what could be your worst?" dylan joked. something you didn't see was emma looking over at kaitlyn and elbowing you. the only thing you knew was that it fucking hurt like hell. "ow, emma!" you frowned, rubbing your rib where she had elbowed you.

"sorry.. i didn't know i hit that hard." emma laughed, moving your arm to soothe it herself. "i dare you to take y/n to your room for 5 minutes. don't care what you do, as long as you two are in the room together." kaitlyn shook her head as her eyes flickered between the two of you.

thank god it was the last night of being at this shitty place, taking your phone along with you. you huffed and walked over to dylan, "ready?" you only wanted to get this game over with. "uh- yeah.. okay." dylan looked up at you and nodded.

he stood up and the two of you walked towards dylan's room. "start the timer!" you shouted towards kaitlyn. you both walked into the room, shutting the door. "i'm so tired. i just wanna go to sleep." you flopped down onto his bed. "mind if i sleep with you?" dylan snickered.

there was a moment of silence between you two, "okay maybe that came out wrong... y'know what i meant though." dylan sweated, sitting down next to you. you bursted out into laughter, "can i sleep with you?" restating what he said. forcing your body to face him you almost died from laughter.

"it wasn't meant to be that funny!" dylan spouted, giggling along with you. he looked down at you, smiling fondly. once you stopped laughing you looked back at him. "let's say i like this guy." you giggle once more at the though of dylan's previous line.

"i think we have chemistry, but i don't know yet. how can i prove it to him?" the mood switches, some tension and dylan isn't sure if you're talking about him or someone else. he smiles anyway, "i guess you just.. show the guy." dylan shrugs, looking around the room full of memories.

you roll your eyes. "wow, great advice." rolling onto your back, you stare at the wooden ceiling. "you know it's you, right?" you don't look back at him, instead bracing yourself. what if he just.. walks out the room? "oh- yeah, no—i didn't know. i change my advice, i say kiss the guy." dylan shrugs again but a grin that goes from ear to ear is apparent on his face.

"maybe i will." you use your core to lean up, snapping your head to look at dylan. "why maybe?" dylan asks, raising one brow. you admire his eyes, lips, nose, cheeks, everything. you don't respond, instead leaning in with a slight smile.

you meet his lips but only for a second. "wooo! you finally got some, dylan." jacob congratulated dylan. "dude, you ruined it..." jacob nodded in acknowledgment, walking out the door but still leaving it open.

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