NICK F.┊ mine

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┊f!reader, nick f.┊wc. 1.6k┊req. ✓┊

nick's tight grip around your shoulders began to hurt. kaylee hackett was dead in the pool, unnerving all of you. "oh man. poor kaylee..." kaitlyn muttered.

you gently tried to pull back, signaling nick to let you go. "nick..." you once again tried to signal. "you smell so good..." nick's husky voice groaned into your ear. "you alright there, bud? maybe dial it back a bit, huh?" kaitlyn stepped in.

you were scared enough now that you were with werewolves or bears—whatever those monsters were. with nick being bit by it and him now tightly hugging you, it scared you shitless.

finally, nick pulled away and you got a good look at him. the effects were showing even more, sweat beading down his face and his eyebrows knit together.

"fuck off kaitlyn." nick's aggressive voice shook. "woah.." kaitlyn scoffed. the counselor's eyes were all watching you guys, nick pulling you back into his embrace.

his grip kept getting tighter, his chin resting on your head. "nick- what are you..." you huffed, still trying to pry the boy off of you. "i want to taste you..." he growled.

"hey-", "c'mere." it started to piss you off. "nick, what the hell, get off!" you continuously pried, struggling to pull him off of you. "watch out!" kaitlyn warned you, "i said get off!" you finally shoved nick off, pushing him into the water.

you watched as he fell into the water filled with blood, the blood of kaylee hackett. you were relieved he was off of you, but also worried for what would happen to him. "...nick?" you asked, waiting for a reply.

you carefully walked to see a different angle, looking for a sign he was alright. after a mere moment of silence, nick's head popped up from the water, screams flowing out of him.

your heart raced, worried for him, "are you okay!?" dylan asked, stepping forward slightly to get a better view. no one knew what was going on with him, his struggles in the water making him desperate.

you felt the need to explain yourself and stated, "i just wanted him to stop...". "nick, dude!" ryan stuttered, slowly leaning forward to somehow help him.

you felt scared, what if you had killed nick? "hey, hey it's okay. you're okay." kaitlyn comforted you, leaning towards you. "i got you.. i got you..." ryan assisted nick in helping him get out of the water.

his heavy breaths and trembling body shook you. "what did i do..?" you sobbed, quickly looking around before leaning to examine nick. "how- how do i help?" you asked.

"i-i don't know.." ryan stated, watching you crouch down to look at him. everybody watched, "he's so cold..." you stated after settling your hand down on his freezing body. you glanced around, waiting for a response from someone, anyone.

"okay, l-let's get him into the pool house. dry him off." ryan gestured to the direction of the pool house as you hastily nodded. he shook rapidly, but you got back on your feet to help bring him to the pool house.

the others sat somewhere near as you sat in front of nick, stuck in his frantic state. "shh, just try to rest." you advised nick. the effects wore off a little bit, "fuck... i'm sorry." nick whispered.

his head rested on 3 rolled up towels, his eyes softening as they looked into yours. you didn't know what to say, but you figured it was better to stay silent in that situation.

you simply sat and watched, going back over the situation that had just happened. the other's talked and talked but you gently pat nick's soft hair to help him rest better.

kaitlyn, ryan, and dylan discussed evidence before glancing over at you. "you okay over there, y/n?" kaitlyn's voice softened, worry settling in as she watched you.

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