EMMA M.┊hush

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┊m!reader, [emma mountebank]┊wc. 626┊req.✓┊

emma opened her mouth, ready to say something. yet a man, chris hackett, had come into the room. you looked over at emma, face in close proximities. her eyes looked so pretty, illuminated by the brightness. staring at her long enough to make her glance over at you, the staring contest began.

the only light you'd seen on each other being the light from outside the wooden building's closet. lifting your hand, you brought it to emma's lips. pointer finger set against her smooth lips, the rest of your fingers being curled into your palm.

chris paid no mind to his surroundings, chatting with someone who was interested in getting the kids a trip somewhere. quietly, you tried to hush emma, "stay quiet... who knows how long they'll talk for."

she almost furrowed her brows, pouting a bit. you pulled your hand away and she settled a hand on your upper arm. as the time passed by, the both of you tried to sit down in the closet—as best as you could.

two legs sat on your's as emma leaned against the wall. you sat cross legged with your hands set on her legs. "how long is he gonna be here for? god..." emma sighed and pulled her legs off of you. you barely saw her turn around and set her head in your lap.

"i'm gonna take a nap. wake me up when he's finally gone." emma moved to get comfortable in the small room. you nodded and watched as chris took another call.

time slowly passed, so slowly. you were stuck either admiring emma or listening to chris talk. finally, he left and you felt so relieved. a couple minutes passed, you waiting to make sure he didn't come back. "emma, emma.. mr. h is gone!" you shook emma gently, her groaning as she awoke.

emma sat up, pushing open the closet door. standing up and brushing yourself off, you took in the fresh air. being stuck in that heated closet made both of you sweat and appear red. your eyes searched the cabin for emma, seeing her stretch. "it's so nice to be out of that closet!" you nodded in response.

ever since that day, there was rising tension whenever the two of you had a conversation. emma teased but occasionally it became unbearable. when you left a lingering finger on emma's lips, both of you realized something.

you both fell in love. knowing it wasn't unrequited love made you happy, but neither of you acted on it. on the last night at camp, you finally wanted to take it further. you guys decided to play truth or dare but before that, you asked to talk to emma in private.

really just going slightly into the woods wasn't privacy—but it was something. "i think.. you already know what this is about." you took a deep breath in, "i really... really like you." you finally had the nerve to confess to emma. "i've been waiting.. god knows how long!" emma huffed, resting both her hands on your cheeks. she pulled you in for a kiss, her lips moving with yours.

"dude, hurry up!" jacob shouted at you two. his tone of attitude making emma roll her eyes. emma and jacob confirmed that it was only a summer fling only a day after the closet incident. "okay, whatever. let's go play truth or dare!" emma sung the last part, wrapping her hand around yours and skipping to the campfire.

you only hummed in response, chuckling at her. it was cute, making you pull her closer as you both sat down. if only the counselors were aware it was only a short time before the tragic accident.

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