JACOB C.┊act

980 19 2

┊m!reader, [jacob custos]┊wc. 564┊req.✓┊note: i need to stop finishing requests at 12 😭 HELP ME

jacob stomped off away after emma had kissed nick. abi, unfortunately, did the same thing as jacob except in a different direction. "jacob, grow up!" emma shouted right before he had left. you were shocked, how could she do something so cruel? "well... i guess i should go after him..." emma sighed and slowly stood up.

"no- no. emma, why would you do that? what you did was fucking stupid!" you scoffed, rushing to get up. carrying your feet as fast as you could to get to the dock. you hoped he didn't do something stupid like.. swim to the island or something.

as soon as jacob arrived at the dock, he immediately wiped his tears and sat with his thoughts. heavy, fast footsteps were heard behind jacob—making him turn around. "y/n? what- what are you doing here?" jacob's eyes widened.

he didn't expect you to come, especially when you were the one teary eyed. his eyes weren't as puffy as you thought they'd be, almost back to normal. "i was worried about you. are you okay?" you slowed your walk, sitting beside jacob at the dock.

you looked down at the water below you, seeing your own reflection with puffy eyes and a slight frown. jacob took this as the right time to confess since every counselor was leaving soon anyway. "yeah! no, yeah. i'm fine i mean- the thing is i've been uh.. faking the whole emma thing." jacob slowed his sentence and let you process everything.

whipping your head to the right, jacob looked like he still had more to say. you nodded, letting him know you had processed the whole thing. "i.. know that you like nick. i mean, one of the kids told me, i even saw your face when you saw emma and nick kiss!" jacob looked up at the sky.

he exaggeratedly shrugged, tossing his arms in the air. "no, jacob.. you don't-" unable to contain your laughs, you almost cried from laughter. "what, so now you're mocking me? this is a real low, man!" jacob looked down in the water—making it his turn to look at his reflection.

finally, you stopped laughing. "jacob, i like you. the kids lied and i was just... shocked emma would even do that. shocked nick would do that to abi!" you looked back at the moments, now realizing jacob was looking at you in your peripheral vision.

jacob nodded furiously. "jesus christ- really? i started liking you.. during the emma thing.. but i didn't want you to think you were like- my rebound or something. so i just acted like i still liked her." jacob ranted, explaining himself so you didn't leave him.

you used one hand to his cheek. you guided him, making him look at you. "you're not acting right now, no?" you whispered. faces nearing each other. "no—jesus christ i'm not.." jacob was shocked, maintaining eye contact with you.

knowing he wasn't, you only wanted to affirm. the both of you leaned in, the moment making the whole world slow. it was a gentle kiss, jacob's seemingly toxic nature melting into his genuine sweetness. he pulled away but just for a moment.

"fuck, i'm so in love with you." jacob was absolutely whipped for you.

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