Chapter 3. The Morning After

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"Shut the fuck up." ~ A.T.

Ahsoka had spent the majority of the night with Skywalker and Kenobi. Skywalker kept sneaking Ahsoka shots so she was relatively drunk as she and Kenobi took turns sharing embarrassing stories of each other's partners while Skywalker glared at his RIO. "And then he yells 'I'll try spinning, that's a good trick!'" Kenobi said while laughing. 

As Ahsoka got to know more about Skywalker and Kenobi, the more she liked them. She'd discovered that Kenobi was adopted when he was younger, and his father was a fighter pilot as well. Then two years later, Skywalker's mother passed away, and he was then adopted into the same family. Meaning that Kenobi and Skywalker were basically brothers.

Ahsoka talked a little more about her family and her brother. She talked about how Rex and her brother were once in flight school together, and that she'd known Rex since she was 14. 

"Rex used to be my brother's RIO." She paused for a moment, taking another shot so the next sentence wouldn't be as painful. "Then after my brother passed, I took his place." 

Skywalker and Kenobi just looked at each other for a moment, both sharing the same look before noticing Ahsoka seemed to be getting a little faint.

 "Are you alright?" Kenobi asked, placing a hand on her shoulder. 

"I'm fin-" She went to respond but before she could she found herself feeling as though she was going to vomit. She quickly ran off, Skywalker and Kenobi following her as she ran into the bathroom.

The two men stood outside the door, cringing as they began to hear her violently throwing up. "I'll go in there." Anakin sighed after he noticed the look that his RIO was giving him.

As he opened the door, the smell of vomit instantly begun to burn his nostrils as he walked into the stall that she was in. He sat down on the floor behind her as she continued to throw up, rubbing circles on her back. 

"It's okay, just let it out." He whispered as he continued to rub her back.

After about ten minutes, Ahsoka had finally gotten rid of everything in her system. Now her and Skywalker were just sitting in the bathroom stall on opposite sides awkwardly. 

"Well, this is embarrassing." Ahsoka said with a laugh as she wiped some of the excess vomit from the corner of her mouth. 

Skywalker just shrugged. "I dealt with my wife's morning sickness for a month." He said in a duh tone. Ahsoka nodded before she leaned her head back as she let out a sigh before whispering a quiet. "Right."

Eventually, Skywalker stood up as he reach his hand down to help Ahsoka up. She smiled and grabbed his hand as he puller her to her feet. 

"Thanks, Skyguy." She said as she wrapped her arm around his torso, nearly knocking him over as she leaned into him. "I think we should get you back, Snips." Skywalker said as he regained his balance, holding onto her tight so she didn't fall over. 

As the two of them stepped out of the bathroom, Skywalker called over to his RIO "Yo, Kenobi." The man in question looked at his Driver. 

"Can you find Rex and tell him I'm bringing her home?" Kenobi nodded as he ran off into the crowd, searching for Rex, leaving the two of them alone. 

"Alright, let's get you home." Skywalker spoke, patting the top of Ahsoka's as she just smiled drunkenly at him as she almost lost her balance.


After what felt like an eternity of walking, Ahsoka was finally back in her room. As soon as she stepped inside, she began to strip off her clothing without giving it a second thought. 

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