Chapter 16. Time to Fly

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"If you whiteness a hostile act, you will return fire." ~ K.M.

Ahsoka was sitting on the boat next to her RIO, sweating in the hot California sun. She blew a strand of her platinum blonde hair out of her face, listening to Commander Mundi talk about their mission.

"The communication ship SS Layton has become disabled and has wandered into foreign territory." Mundi stepped forward, looking at the four Graduates that were sitting inside the ship.

"A rescue operation is to begin within the hour. Your mission is to give air support to that rescue." Ahsoka looked over to Rex, smirking at him. She was ready to fly her first mission and she couldn't wait.

"There are MiGs in the area, and tensions are high." Ahsoka's smile instantly faded as she heard that. No pilot here had been up against a MiG before. The only person who had was Anakin, and he wasn't here.

"If you witness a hostile act, you will return fire." Ahsoka saw in the corner of her eye that Solo and Chewy had a slight smirk on their faces. They seemed almost excited to be potentially killing people and it made her sick.

"We have a spare up and ready incase needed on another ship. But lets try not to need them." Mundi said, a hint of sarcasm in his voice. Causing the pilots to chuckle lightly.

"This is the real thing. This is what you've trained for. Make us proud." Mundi dismissed the two duos as they made their way towards their ships.

Ahsoka placed her orange helmet with blue and white stripes onto her head, feeling the nerves of the mission kicking in. "We got this, Tano." Rex spoke, cutting through the tense atmosphere.

She only nodded in response as she pulled her mask over her face, closing the canopy when Rex gave her the all clear. Taking a deep breathe, she looked outside, giving the workers a thumbs up before being launched from the ship.

She was in the air, flying beside Solo as they began to make their way towards the location given to them. As they flew into enemy territory, Solo asked if there was anything up on the radar.

"Voodoo one, you've got a pair of bodies 12 o'clock, 15 miles." As Rex heard the chatter over the radio, he checked the radar himself and confirmed what they were seeing.

Ahsoka's breathing was slightly shaky as she flew closer to the enemy jets, hoping that by some miracle, Anakin would be able to fly with the two of them. She knew that Kenobi was waiting near by as a back up, but she didn't know who his pilot was.

"Got them dead ahead, 15 miles, air speed is 600 knots." Ahsoka was brought back to the present by the sound of Solo's voice through the radio.

That's when she recommended to Solo that the two of them split up slightly to get a better angle on the MiGs and he agreed as the two of them flew separately.

The MiGs airspeed was increasing as they proceeded to get closer. She watched out in front of her intently, trying to keep her eyes on the enemy aircraft to ensure she didn't get surprise attacked.

"Chewy, you got them?" Solo asked his RIO, looking over his shoulder slightly.

"Not yet, I can't see them."

"They must be close, I'm getting a hard-on."

Ahsoka let out a slight snort, clearing her throat as she regained her composure. "Come on boys, focus." She chastised them, but her voice had a hint of a amusement to it.

"Come on Tano, you know that you enjoy our little-" Solo was cut off by Rex's panicked voice as he spoke, "Tano, we got a problem here."

Ahsoka looked over her shoulder at him momentarily before he continued. "Now I'm breaking out four aircraft on the radar. Not one pair, two pair. Repeat, four bogies."

"Shit." Ahsoka cursed under her breath as she continued to look forward, hoping to see any aircraft.

"Wrong! Make that five!" Chewy yelled through the radio. Ahsoka gulped as the MiGs flew close to them. She could see all five clearly, swarming like flies around their two F-14s. At that moment, one simple thought came to her mind. We're fucked

"He's got radar lock on us!" Ahsoka heard Chewy yell as they tried to avoid the MiG. She flew as close to him as she could while warning him to get out of there. She knew that if Solo went down she'd be alone, and she couldn't do this alone.

Ahsoka's eyes widened as she watched the missile launch from the MiG as Chewy yelled for Solo to break left. And then her heart rate spiked as that same missile made contact with their jet.

"Voodoo one! Solo's been hit! Solo's been hit!" Ahsoka called out, feeling relief as she saw their parachutes. It was just her and the MiGs now, and she knew she might not win this, but at least she'd go down with a fight.

"Tano! We've launched our spare, they should be there any minute." She heard one of the officers speak as she weaved in between the MiGs, trying to draw their fire without actually getting hit.

"Well they better hurry!" She grunted, trying to get a missile lock on the MiG in front of her. Rex was calling out the other MiGs positioning but she wasn't really listening as she focused on the jet in front of her.

As soon as she heard the beeping, she launched her missile and cheered loudly as she watched the MiG go down in flames. One down, four to go.

"Voodoo one! We managed to take down one MiG, we've got four more to go." She announced, hoping for some words of encouragement, but what she heard instead nearly stopped her heart.

"Try not to have too much fun without us, Snips." A smile spread across Ahsoka's face as she heard Anakin Skywalker's voice through the radio. He was okay, and he was flying. He was going to help them.

"Well then I guess you better hurry up and get your ass over here, Skyguy." She teased back, almost forgetting that she was practically in the middle of a war zone.

"We'll be there in 30 seconds, hang on." Skywalker spoke as he made his way towards their position. It was two versus four, and Ahsoka liked those odds.


We're finally getting into my favourite part of the chapter which is super exciting. I don't really have to much else to say except thank you to everyone who has read every single chapter, you're truly amazing. Personal Life Update: IM GOING TO THE DOJA CAT CONCERT TODAY AND I'M SO FUCKING EXCITED BRO!

Let me know if you have any likes or dislikes and I'll try to add it into my next chapter. And if not, I'll update again in 2 weeks!

~ Jo

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