Chapter 14. Quitting

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"What brings you back?" ~ A.S.

It had been about a week or so since everyone had been allowed to fly again. And Obi-Wan was starting to get his head back in the game, but Ahsoka was having an extremely hard time staying focused during her Top Gun training.

She'd developed a fear of her own jet due to Skywalker's incident. She started to find herself having panic attacks after a flight sequence, which Rex and Kenobi would end up having to comfort her after. And then next thing she knew, she started to have panic attacks during flight sequences, forcing her to land mid-battle.

And as of recently, she'd been having panic attacks before she even stepped foot onto the tarmac outside. Meaning that more often than not, she wasn't even able to fly the hops of the day.

It had been a hard week, and she found herself dreading going to classes more and more everyday. She'd decided that she wasn't cut out for this anymore and begun to pack her bags, getting ready to turn in her wings.

She stood in front of her bed, staring down at the packed bags as she let out a sigh. Not being able to leave just yet.

There was one thing that wasn't sitting right with her and she knew she'd regret it if she didn't do it before she left. She left her bags and wings in her room, locking it on the way out as she hopped into her car.

She drove down the streets of North Island, windows down as the calm breeze flowed through her hair. The smell of the ocean calming her nerves as she slowly approached her destination.

Once she pulled into the parking lot, she sat in her car for a moment. She let out a deep sigh, questioning why she was there. "He doesn't remember me. Why does it matter?" She muttered to herself, leaning back in her car seat. She placed her hands firmly against her face, covering her features as she let out a frustrated groan.

After about a moment, she grunted as she exited her car and made her way into the hospital. She stood in the elevator, bouncing her leg over and over again as she wrapped her arms around her stomach. She hadn't come to see Skywalker since he first woke up, she couldn't bring herself to. It was hard to be around him since he didn't remember her. But she didn't want to leave without saying goodbye.

As she headed down the hall, she peaked inside Skywalker's room where Padmè was sitting beside him, showing him a photo album from their wedding day. His lips were turned up in a smile as he stared at his wife with absolute adoration, which gave Ahsoka hope.

Skywalker no longer needed his breathing apparatus and he no longer had bandages on his face. But he did have some pretty nasty scars on his face and a few bald spots where his hair had been singed off.

Ahsoka knocked on the door, gaining the attention of both people inside. "Hey." Padmè spoke sweetly, standing up from her seat and making her way towards Ahsoka.

"Hi." She responded, giving the older women a hug once she was close enough. Ahsoka looked like hell to say the least. Her eyes were extremely swollen, most likely from lack of sleep. Her nails were almost bitten completely off. And her hair looked like it hadn't been brushed in days, which it hadn't.

"Is it okay if I have a moment with him?" Ahsoka asked, nodding her head towards Anakin who was watching the two women intently.

"Of course." Padmè nodded, squeezing the blonds shoulders before grabbing her children and leaving the two pilots alone.

"Hey." Ahsoka gave Skywalker a slight smile, waving her hand at him as she still stood close to the door.

"Hey. Ahsoka right?" He asked, pointing towards her. Ahsoka smiled her first real smile this whole week. He remembered her name, that had to mean something, right?

"Yep. You got it." Ahsoka nodded, shoving her hands in her pockets as she went to go sit beside his hospital bed.

Skywalker adjusted in his bed, sitting up facing her before speaking to her again. "I didn't think you'd come visit me again after last time." His words had a hint of sadness to them before asking, "What brings you back?"

Ahsoka let in a sharp inhale before answering his question, an unreadable expression on her face. "I know you don't remember who I am, but I didn't want to leave without saying goodbye."

Skywalker raised an eyebrow at her, cocking his head slightly in confusion. "I thought you still had like, two months left at Top Gun."

Ahsoka was genuinely shocked at how much he was able to learn in a small period of time. It was slightly comforting, but not enough for her to stay. "Yeah, I do. But I think I'm gonna quit."

Without saying anything, Ahsoka could tell that by his facial expression that he was asking one question, why?

"I can't do it anymore." She started, her voice cracking in the process. "Your accident was a lot like my brothers. Except he's dead, and you aren't really here anymore either." She motioned her hand towards him but paused when she saw the hurt on his face. It wasn't his fault, she knew that, but it still hurt.

"Every time I go back up there, I'm terrified that something's gonna happen to me. Or worse... to Rex."

Anakin reached his hand out to Ahsoka, signalling for her to grab his. With tears blurring her vision, she reached her hand out to the best of her ability. "Ahsoka, you're a great pilot. You have nothing to be afraid of."

She gave him a half smile as the tears fell onto her cheeks before he continued. "Accidents happen, and you deal with them the best you can. Plus, I'm still alive. And I'm not going anywhere, Snips."

"Yeah, but-" Ahsoka cut herself off, looking over at Anakin with wide eyes. She felt her mouth open slightly in shock as she realized something. He called her Snips, she never told him that's what he used to call her.

"Anakin, you just called me 'Snips.' Do you remember me?" He let go of her hand, looking up to the ceiling as he thought hard. After a few minutes, he looked back over at her with his eyes watering. "Yeah. Yeah I do, Snips."

Ahsoka let out a slight sob, covering her mouth as happy tears started to stream down her face. "Holy shit. We gotta tell Padmè!" She said suddenly, jumped to her feet and running towards the door.

Padmè was startled by Ahsoka suddenly bursting through the door but quickly recovered when she noticed the tears on Ahsoka's cheeks. "What's wrong?" She asked, worried something was wrong with Anakin.

"He remembers." That was all Padmè needed to hear to grab her children and make her way inside.

"Hi, Ani." Padmè spoke softly, sitting beside him in the chair with her double stroller beside her. "I remember you, my beautiful wife." Anakin said as he reached forward, placing a hand on her cheek and wiping the tears from her cheek.

"I'm gonna go get the doctor." Padmè said, standing up from her seat and placing a kiss on Anakin's lips for the first time in two weeks.

"Promise me you won't quit, Ahsoka." Anakin said, suddenly turning his attention back to her.

She paused for a moment, looking down at her feet before nodding her head. She looked up, staring Anakin in his eyes before answering with, "I promise, Skyguy."


Anakin has is memory back! This story is almost done guys! I hope that you've all been enjoying this story so far. I know how it's going to end but I want you all to take a guess. Personal Life Update: I have to write an exam in 30 minutes and I got a 60% on the last one for this class so fingers crossed I can actually do better this time.

Let me know if you have any likes or dislikes and I'll try to add it into my next chapter. And if not, I'll update again in 2 weeks!

~ Jo

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