Chapter 9. Brain Freeze

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"Your brother was a good man." ~ C

Ahsoka watched as everyone she'd ever met walked into the dairy bar. She watched the man who was working walking over and flipped the sign on the door to say 'Closed' after everyone came inside.

"What's this all about?" Ahsoka asked aloud to no one in particular. That's when she spotted the three men that were obviously up to this. "We might need a bigger booth, Snips." Skywalker teased as Ahsoka stood up from her seat.

She quickly wrapped her arms around Skywalker who gladly returned the hug. "You guys are the best." She mumbled into Skywalker's Navy uniform before turning to Rex and Kenobi and giving them hugs as well.

"Yo, Tano." Cody approached the four of them, joining the little circle they formed. "Your brother was a good man, he would've loved this." Ahsoka gave Cody a quick smile before giving him a nod of appreciation. He gave Ahsoka a quick pat on the arm as he excused himself.

Once a giant booth had been set up in the middle of the dairy bar, all of the Top Gunners and their families sat down. Both Rex and Skywalker sat on either side of Ahsoka as they all had Ice cream served to them. "How the hell did you even pull this off?" Ahsoka was still in disbelieve about everything that had happened in the last ten minutes.

"Dex owed me a favour." Kenobi shrugged as he gestured his head over to the man who was passing out Ice cream to everyone. Ahsoka let out a tiny giggle as she reached over to grab Kenobi's hand. "You're amazing." Ahsoka gave his hand a slight squeeze before letting go and eating her ice cream.

After about 30 minutes or so, the lights in the dairy bar began to dim, causing silence to wash over the room. Ahsoka was about to ask what was going on but before she could, everyone around her started to sing Happy Birthday to Spencer as Rex walked out with a cake.

He placed it in front of Ahsoka, smiling down at her as everyone finished the song. She felt everyone's eyes on her as they waited patiently for her to blow out the candles, A wave of guilt washing over her as she looked up at her RIO. "Rex, I- I can't-"

She was interrupted by Rex placing a hand on her shoulder. "If Spencer would want anyone to take his birthday wish, it would be you." Ahsoka gave Rex a sad smile and turned her attention back to the cake. She quickly pulled her brothers dog tags off of her neck as she held them tightly.

She closed her eyes and wished that she could spend one more birthday with him, but she knew that wasn't possible. When Ahsoka opened her eyes again, she blew out the candles as everyone cheered.

Ahsoka watched as Padmè made her way towards her with a cake knife in her hand. Ahsoka smiled as she watched Padmè cutting the cake and passing slices down to everyone. Once she was done, she stood behind Ahsoka, placing both her hands on her shoulders.

Ahsoka stared up at the women behind her and smiled. "I'm sure Spencer's having the best birthday ever." Padmè gave her a warm smile before Ahsoka stood up from her chair and gave Padmè a giant hug.

"Thank you." She choked out as she felt the tears beginning to fall onto her cheeks.

"Anytime, sweetheart." Padmè gladly returned the hug before two pulled away, smiling at each other before Ahsoka sat back down to eat her cake.

Ahsoka always had kind of a weird way of eating cake. She would remove the icing to the best of her ability and then eat just the cake part and save the icing for last. "What is wrong with you?" Skywalker joked as he watched her attempt to eat a piece of cake without icing on it.

"She's always eaten cake like that. It's so weird right?" She heard Rex respond to Skywalker, giving Rex a side glare as she finished swallowing her piece of cake. She pointed the tip of her fork at her RIO before she began to jokingly berate him.

"You can't judge because you eat Mac and Cheese with barbecue sauce." Rex laughed as Ahsoka then proceeded to turn her attention to Skywalker. "And you," She pointed her fork at her fellow pilot menacingly. "You don't get to say shit until you try it."

"But why? Why not just eat the cake like a normal person." Anakin was trying his hardest to contain his laughter, scared Ahsoka might stab him with the fork. "Because the icings the best part! And you gotta save it till the end!" Ahsoka jokingly yelled as she slammed both her hands down on the table.

At this point, Skywalker couldn't keep in his laughter anymore. Ahsoka couldn't help but join in, seeing as his laughter was practically contagious. "Maybe I'll give it a try someday, snips."


It was around 8pm and almost everyone had left at this point except for Ahsoka, who decided to stay and help Dex clean up. And Skywalker didn't want her to walk home in the dark so he stayed as well. The two were silently making their way around the dairy bar, clearing bowls and wiping down tables.

"Hey, Anakin." Ahsoka suddenly broke the silence, cause Skywalker to turn his attention to her. "Thanks for tonight. I really needed this." Skywalker gave her a smile as he threw the cloth he was holding over his shoulder.

"Hey, don't thank me. It was Rex's idea." He shrugged as he made his way towards her, slinging his arm over her shoulder. The two just smiled as they looked at each other. Ahsoka couldn't get over just how much he reminded her of Spencer.

"You two are good to head out. I can take care of the rest!" Dex called out from the back of the dairy bar.

"You sure, Dex?" Anakin asked, making sure that he didn't need anything else before they took off. "I'm sure. Now go." He poked his head around the corner as he shoed the two of them out.

The two of them smiled before thanking Dex and telling him to have a goodnight as they walked out of the building, the door ringing behind them.

Ahsoka and Anakin were walking in silence for a little bit until Anakin made some small talk, uncomfortable with the silence that surrounded them. "You know, I almost didn't become a pilot." He shoved his hands in his pocket as he stared at Ahsoka.

She looked up at him with a shocked expression, not being able to imagine him as anything else. "Why?" She finally asked to which Skywalker just shrugged.

"There were a lot of people that told me that I'd never be able to do it. And I believed them for the longest time." Ahsoka looked down at the ground for a moment, not really knowing how to respond. "I'm sorry." She spoke softly, not knowing what else to say.

Anakin waved his hand dismissively before he started to talk again. "It was a long time ago, I'm over it. My point is that you're lucky you have the support system you have." He paused for a moment, not knowing if he should continue.

As Ahsoka looked up at him with her big blue eyes, he knew that she needed to hear what he was going to say.

"Your brother would be proud of you." Ahsoka gave him a half smile as tears began to well in her eyes as she wrapped her arm around his torso as they continued to walk.

Skywalker chuckled lightly, wrapping his arms around her shoulders as he ruffled her hair before they approached her residency. The two shared a quick hug and exchanged a few goodbyes before Ahsoka opened her door. "Night, Skyguy."

"Night, Snips." He gave her a half smile before turning around and walking into the darkness.


I just wanted Ahsoka to have a nice wholesome moment with Anakin and the rest of the people so I decided to make this chapter before all hell breaks loose. ALSO I MET HAYDEN CHRISTENSEN, ASHLEY ECKSTEIN, MATT LANTER, AND JAMES ARNOLD TAYLOR!!!! Ashley Eckstein told us that we were her friends and I was actually crying. I'm also finished work at the moment but I go back to school on Thursday so wish me luck.

Let me know if you have any likes or dislikes and I'll try to add them into my next chapter. And if not I'll update again in 2 weeks!

~ Jo

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