Chapter 3: Locked Up

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Anissa, Grace, Khalil, and Brandon patiently wait for Jenn's return. Anissa bites her nails in anticipation.

"I'm getting nervous, and I'm about 10 seconds from showing them what metas can do", Anissa says.

"Calm down, I'm sure Jenn's fine, she probably already on her way back", Khalil says.

"I hope so!", Brandon says.

Suddenly a few guards rush out of the meeting room heading towards Jenn.

"Where are they going, I'm bout to follow them", Anissa says.

"I'm right with you", Grace says.

Khalil grabs their arms.

"Hold your position, if we move now, we're going to draw attention to ourselves", Khalil says.

Anissa takes a deep breath.

After a few seconds, TC comes over the comms to talk.

"Guys, I think something happened to Jenn, she's not responding", TC says.

"What?!", Brandon yells.

"Screw this, I'm bout to tear this place down", Anissa says turning around and walking toward the meeting room exit.

Suddenly Freeland PD burst through the door, yelling.

"Get Down, Get Down", Detective Shakur yells!

Anissa gets down on her knees, followed by everyone else.

"TC, Freeland PD just arrived", Anissa says.

"I know", TC says.

"What do we do?", Grace asks.

"Uh this might sound crazy but you need to cut communication with me", TC says.

"What, are you crazy, you're our last line of defense, why can't you just come down here and save us", Brandon asks.

"And risk taking on Freeland PD and the Anti-Meta Group", TC says.

"TC's right, he'll have a better shot at saving us if we're not under heavy guard, so even though this pains me hand me the earpieces", Anissa says.

Everyone takes off their earpieces and hands them to Anissa.

"Alright TC, don't let us down", Anissa says into her mic.

"I won't", TC says.

Anissa takes out her earpiece and holds them tight in her hand. She inhales, holding her breath and squeezing her fist tight. The earpieces shatter in her hand and she throws them on the ground.

Suddenly one of the officers from Freeland PD begins hand cuffing each of them and walking them to a transport truck outside. After everyone has been cleared out of the building they leave and head to the outskirts of Freeland.

"Where do you think they're taking us?", Grace whispers to Anissa.

"I'm not sure, but this isn't the way to the Police Department", Anissa says.

After a few minutes, one of the members of the Anti-Meta group stands up.

"Sit back down!", the officer says.

"Where are you taking us?", the lady yells.

"I said sit back down", the officer yells.

"No, you're required to tell me where were going!", the lady says.

"I'm not required to tell you shit, now sit down and be quiet", the officer says, "Before I sit you down!".

The lady hesitates for a few seconds, Everyone stares at her and the officer tightens his grip on his gun. They lady takes a deep breath and sits back down in her seat.

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