Chapter 5: Wardog

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Before we continue on with the story, this Chapter will cover the backstory of Wardog and how he became the meta-hating person he is today. Let me know if you enjoy this chapter and if you want more chapters similar to this!

Nathan White also known as Wardog was born in Newark, New Jersey, his parents are Dr. James White a neurosurgeon and Diana White a nurse practitioner. They live in 5 bedroom house, on the outskirts of New Jersey.

It was summer 1992, the the daylight was falling and the dark of the night was rising. Nathan sat in front of the tv watching reruns of Gi Joe. He had been home from school for 4 hours and he hadn't took his eyes off the screen. A few minutes go by and the sound of a key is heard unlocking the front door. Nathan quickly turns the TV off and grabs the book next to him and starts reading. After a few seconds his dad James walks through the door. He stops and looks at Nathan on the floor reading.

"You think I didn't hear the TV on Nate?", James asks.

"What TV, I was reading my book", Nathan replies.

James walks over to him.

"So if I turn on the TV, Gi Joe won't be playing?", James asks.

"Uh, no, it will probably be a commercial, I'm not psychic", Nathan replies.

"Well you might be dyslexic", James says taking the book out of Nathan's hand and turning it right side up.

Nathan smirks.

"I like reading upside down", Nathan jokes.

"Sure you do", James says, "Where's your mother?".

"I think she's sleeping, she has to work a double tonight", Nathan says.

James takes a deep breath.

"What did you eat?", James asks.

"Nothing yet", Nathan says.

"Well how about I order us a pizza", James says walking to grab the pizza menu.

Nathan smiles and turns the TV back off.

After a few minutes, Diana walks down stairs with her Nurse Scrubs on.

"God, I'm so tired I don't want to go to work today", Diana says.

"Then why don't you stay home, we can watch movies and eat pizza together, as a family", Nathan says.

Diana smiles and walks over and gives him a kiss on the cheek.

"That sounds really fun, but I have to go make us some money", Diana jokes.

"Dad makes enough, you can just stay here", Nathan says.

"Maybe another time, besides it's a school night, so no staying up late watching Gi Joe", Diana says.

James walks back into the living room.

"Speaking of school, don't you have homework, you know there's more to life than Gi Joe", James says.

"I don't need all that extra practice, I can do my homework in the morning", Nathan says not looking up from the TV.

"Or you can do it now", James says turning the TV off.

Nathan takes a deep breath and goes upstairs to do his homework.

"You know he's right", Diana says.

"About what?", James asks.

"About not needing all that extra practice, I mean he is a Straight A student", Diana says.

"Exactly, and it's the extra practice that got him where he needed to be", James says.

"I'm just saying, you don't have to be so hard on him, I mean he works hard enough", Diana says.

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