Chapter 11: The Unexpected

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Jenn sits in the lab chair waiting for TC to come over and give her the second dose of serum to bring back her power.

"I just don't understand TC", Jenn starts, "How on earth can they possibly think killing is the solution?".

"Well I don't know Jenn, maybe they think if they kill Wardog it will solve their problems right at this moment and they can live life like they want to", TC replies.

"Oh you're not trying to jump ship to their side are you?", Jenn asks.

"No, im just trying to play devils advocate", TC says walking over to her with the needle.

"Well we don't need the Devil right now, we need Jesus", Jenn says.

"Ok, hold still", TC says.

TC injects Jenn with serum, Jenn grunts and closes her eyes. When he's finished she opens them.

"Whoa", Grace says walking through the door.

"What?", Jenn asks.

"You saw it to", TC says looking back at Grace.

"What, saw what?", Jenn asks anxiously.

"Your pupils dilated and glowed", Grace states.

"That's a good thing right?", Jenn asks.

"It's a great thing, it means the serum is working", TC replies.

He points to the body monitor beside Jenn. On the screen the small orange dot in her stomach has slightly expanded. Jenn smiles at the screen. TC wipes her arm and gives her a band-aid.

"You'll have your powers back in no time", Grace says.

"Hopefully in 28 days", Jenn says.

"Hopefully, but don't rush it", TC says.

"I won't, besides with how slow Wardog is dragging out attacking these meta safehouses, I won't need my full power for a while", Jenn says.

"Anissa was just saying this, however she feels as though we can speed up the process and put a stop to Wardog once and for all", Grace says.

"She means kill him!", TC says.

Grace nods.

"We have to figure out a way to show them that killing him isn't the way", Grace says.

"But how though, Anissa is stubborn and once she has her mind set on something, it's not too many people that can talk her out of it", Jenn says.

Grace eyes light up.

"Maybe not many people, but there's defintely a person who can", Grace says, "I gotta go, I have an idea!".

Grace leaves the sanctum.

"She isn't gonna tell us what it was?", TC asks.

"Chile, I stopped trying to read Grace's mind a while ago", Jenn says joking.

Jenn leaves the sanctum as well and heads to her room. When she walks in Brandon is sitting on the bed playing the game. He lights up when he sees her walk in.

"Hey!", Brandon says nervously.

"I'm not talking to you", Jenn says walking over and sitting at her desk.

Brandon pauses his game and looks over at her.

"Are you seriously still mad that I didn't side with you on the teams disagreement?",  Brandon asks.

"Still mad?", Jenn says confused, "As if it didn't happen less than 24 hours ago".

"Babe....", Brandon starts.

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