Chapter 13: Khalil's Destiny

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"So what's your plan when you figure out what actually happened to Keenan", Yvette asks.

"I don't know, right now I'm just looking for answers", Khalil says.

"Well I hope you find out the truth, and you call and tell me when you do", Yvette says putting her hands around Khalil's face.

"Of course", Khalil says smiling.

"Ok, now it's getting late, are you two planning on staying here?", Yvette asks.

"Do we have a choice?", Khalil asks.

"Not really", Yvette says.

"Then I guess we're staying", Destiny jokes.

"Yeah", Khalil says smiling.

Yvette stands up.

"Well then, I'll go get blankets", Yvette says taking a deep breath.

"Blankets, where are we sleeping", Destiny asks.

"Well I only have two bedrooms and one of them is my knitting room so you two are gonna have to crash in the living room, is that okay?", Yvette asks.

Khalil looks over at Destiny.

"That's fine", Destiny says.

Yvette leaves the room. Destiny turns to Khalil.

"Don't even say it, I know", Khalil says, "Lala".

"You think he killed Keenan?", Destiny asks.

"It's a possibility, all sources point to him but we still can't prove it", Khalil says.

"We need to dig a little bit deeper", Destiny says.

Khalil nods, Destiny sits back in her chair. Khalil reaches for her hand.

"Hey, the moment we figure out my situation, we're gonna figure out yours", Khalil says.

Destiny smiles and takes a deep breath. Yvette walks back in and throws the blankets at Khalil.

"Alright, get to building your bed of covers in the living room", Yvette jokes.

"Yes ma'am", Khalil says standing up and walking in the living room.

Yvette sits down at the table with Destiny.

"I haven't heard Khalil say ma'am in years", Yvette states.

"I've never heard him say that, he always has this bad boy, don't care act. He's a good guy at heart though. When he sets his mind to something, he can't be stopped", Destiny says staring off into space.

Yvette squints at Destiny.

"You like him don't you", Yvette asks.

Destiny sits up quickly.

"What, no, me and Khalil, that's crazy", Destiny says.

"What's so crazy about it, you're both young, beautiful, and smart?", Yvette replies.

"What's crazy is that I'm not a good person, I've done some questionable things.....", Destiny starts.

"Honey, haven't we all", Yvette asks.

"Yeah, but mine is different and Khalil's doing something meaningful with his life, regardless of how he acts like he doesn't care, he cares a lot about Freeland. He's a hero! I am not. He deserves better than me", Destiny says.

"Or maybe you're just what he needs, and he's just what you need", Yvette says, "Sitting here now, I've never heard someone other than his mother praise him as much as you just did, you motivate him and see a different side to him, if he's so good and hero worthy, and you're so bad, it shouldn't be hard for him to rub some of the goodness on to you".

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